Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

384 The fecondBooke ofDiuinitie, CH A P.4, Z Ale/it/47.7. But who Co onceofmalice falleth from it (which we call Sin se againf1 the holyGhoft) a i lobs 5.16. b r,Go;.t6. zs. ;,ieb.a o.s9 a_ 2.re3.2.1o. f r:Tim.x.x3. ,r, Luke 13.34. poflible that they fhould euer come in true Repentance unto God, or aske pardon oftheir fnnes and fo to bee made partakers of theprotnife , z , and it (hall bee giuen vnto you : Seeke, andyou floatl finde : Knocke, ,end it (ball be opened vntoyou. Now followeth the finneoknoaoppofite to this Grace, which we call finne agairtfi: the holyGhof} : when a man falleth of malice from this Grace once receiued. To cxplayne this more fully : Firft, It is an a& done, and a finne which may be dif cerned and knowne ; elfe the Apoille a John would Mt forbid vs to pray for fuch perlons : nor PAU1 b will vi to execute the curfe of the Church vpon them ; it is not a continual) going forward in finne without repen- tance. Secondly,lt is no legali finne (if I may fo fay) againfi~ the duties (properly) either of the firfi or fecond Table, but Euangeli call, dircdly againfi Crifi in the point of his Mediation , aceounting his Blond but as common bloud, and of no more power to fanaifie , then the bloud ofanother gran : Thereforeno finne againíi good manners, as Murder, AduIterie, and the ref} or though it bee immediately bent again God himfelfe, and the duties of the firfi Table , can bee drawne within that compafl'e; as Idolatrie, Witchcraft, Coniuring, and the like, though they fhould hap to bee corntsittedof fuch as profeife the Gofpell. Thirdly, It is of thofe that haue receiued the know- ledge of theTruth So as all Reprobates come not to this highpitch of finne , nor any that finne of ignorance: therefore f Pauli blafphernie was a finne that might beepardoned, in as much as hee did it ignorantly. And our Sauiour ; vfeth this rcafon for the /ewes that put him to death : Father, feroiue them: ; for they k ow not what they dos. So the Apofile Peter faidh, eAfls 3. 'tair.i7. Andnow, Brethren,' know thatlee banedone thie igno...