Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

Thefiri? Booke Diatittitie, 5. The honor due vnto him from all his reafonable creatures,in Heauen & vpon the fM, Earth ; whole fpart it is to do his will,and to performe whatfoeuer he commandeth. 6. The Couen ant ofWorkes; whereby, inhis Iu(lice,herewardcth the thorough & perfeaobedience of C.hrifl his Sonne, and ofthe holy Angels,and punifheth all tranf- greflion and difobedience, as in the Angels that fel,and in reprobate andwicked men. 7. The Couenant ofGrace ; which the gPral 193, g 9,11. t Rom.t I .32. S.Gor.I. I . ReiseLI4.6. true voice of the cuerlaflingGofpel, Feare of flluation, they attribute God,andzincglorie vnto in part to the werthineífe of men, and to their due defert, which is the grace the and gift of lG ld,. that be that glorieth,mightg'ory in the Lord,I.Cor,r.3s. 7 g rie ofGod,inhis loue vnto mankind, hatla herein shined forth r'óft clearly,that when we weredead in fins,ind ercmies vntoGod, hebath quickened and reconciled vsto himfelfe,they contrarily im igine,that the wound is not fodecpe,but that there remai- nethfill a kind oflife inman,& a diipofition CO receiue the firft GraceofGod, which theycall Free-wil,and that Godmay be prouoked byour merits to glue vs the recond Gracc,and fo make man aworker together withGod, in that great worke of our new Birtla:which he S - ripturc in expreffe termes appropriatethvnto God,calling it bis own 3vorknsanJhip,e4d a creation, excludeman,andwhattffo s ofand in matt. CHAP.!. S. Touching the Law of God, they are not only alto. gether igno- rant of the true v:e there- of,which is by a right humi- liation of ones felfe, to pre- pare the way, and to lead him veto g Prophet calleth,TheAeflorer ofthe Soule, Chriít , but the Gladder of the Heart , the enlightner of froyle Godof the Eyes, more to be defired then gold, yea, the glory duc vnto then much fine gold froeeter then the Honey left they teach, the Honey -Combe: God hating hJhutall .Thant is pof- (that is to fay,all Men,and whatfoeuer is of Gble for a man Man) underfirme, that he might haue mercie Law fulfill fethe t+pon all whom hee meaneth for to fame. h fo lelf This is it which teachcth i Chriff to6e made and golden falfi pintoyt tvi(edothefrom CJod;and righteoufnes, laying of the andfanaification, and redemption,tbat as it ù Apoftle, Rom. written, He thatglorieth, let hinsglorie in the I1.32..God bath Led t Becaufe in him, as the fame Apof}le kit all hat hee fheweth k Allthe promifesofGod, are, yea, might bauemer- and 4nnen,vnto Godsglorse.Wherupon John cievponau. I in the Reaelation teacheth,That this is the .Themeataes