CHAP. 8. O, f' PegerlPí"at1BYI. 42 hearts cannot elfe bepurified,for f that Faith doth alone: f Elfe can wee not bee partakers of theproinifed bleffcd. ne(fe g which is giuen to the faithfullotlely. So wonder- g full is the worke of Fai:h. Thirdly, Here is the very life and power of the King- dome of Chrifl , and that wherein his glorie fhineth in- cornparably,mofl of all, in that bee frameth and fafhio- nethvs from abouc , to bee new Creatures ; of naturali men, fpirituaiI heaucnly men ; of carnall, h a people crea- ted againe,as thePfalmift fpeakcth,whereby he maketh a new face of things and , as it were , another world : i I make newheauens, anda new earth. k 1 f anyman be in (hrill, he is a newCreature: old thingsarepaf fedaway, be- hold, all things are become new. The Authourto the He- brewes termcth this excellent condition and eflate,1 The world to tome, in oppofition to this prefcnt world,where, of the Apoffle faith, that m Chrifl hat') deliveredvs out of m Gs1.r.4, this prefent mill world. Wherefore by the world to come,is not meant (as in our common fpeech it is , and as fome n otherwhere the Scripture takcth it)the life that fhall be n Luke as.;c, hereafter, but the world here reflored ,. in, and through Marf¿e io.30. Chri(+, euen from thefirf+promife made in Paradife,and fully to be perfected, whenGod fhall bee all in all : for the world corrupted by the finne of Adam (that where- ofall mennaturally are members) goeth vndér the name of the old world : A this wherein righteoufi effe dwel- o a.Pet.3.rf. let h, ofthe new. Tonote more exprefly the qualitie of this newworld, a heauenIy I callit heaucnly, as the Scripture cloth in diuers places, World, by the oppofing it to that; which is terrene and earthly. This is po c erof his not faith P I aM E s the wifdomethat commethfrom above Re tlrre6ion. b y ut earth, naturall, deuilliß'. And the Apoille to the P 1 .3.11. Colofflatis, q Seek!' the things which area.boue,where Chrift q Coff3,r,za3 isfitting at the right hand of god : miinde the things which are about, not which are vppn the earth r Mortifae therefore dour members which arc on theearth, Fornication, yncl'eàn- nefe, AVIS If.). Gala . a new, h Pfal.roz.rg. So Ephefz. io, i Efäy65.i7. k 2..045.17. ] Heb.z. .