422 t Phil.3.1g.zo. f Reucl.3.tz. t Reuel.zi.z. & zz,c9. u Reu,?/.3.1Z. zt.z. x Gal.4.z6. y Efay 44.7. z E,1â1 96 a Dan.z.44 b Dan.7,14. c Mica.4.7. d Luke 1.33 e 1.Cor.15.24. The fecond BookeofDiuinitie, CHAP. 8. neEre, &c. So to the Philip. r í'hofe endár deftrssElion,wbicis mind earthly things: But our conuerfoition (or, ifyou will, Free- burgesíhip) ta in Heauen. Wherefore the Citie whereof we are thus free Burgethes, is called, f ?he Ci- tie of God , t The holy Citie u .New Ierufalenz_, , which commeth downe from God ont of Heauen , = Ierufa4em.. aboue, which (as it is there faif1) is the mother of vs all, The World therefore thus formed and fashioned a- newby thepower of Chritis Spirit , is , An eteerlafling World, the Citizens and free Burgeffcs, Y e/in euerlefting People, Chrif} the Prince, z Fatherof Eternitie , and the Kingdomeit (elfe an euerlaffing Kingdome, that (hall not haue any end. So faith DAN I E L, a It (fall defiroy andconfume all other Kingdome,, but it(elfe (ball'bindfor euer ; b His dominion is a perpetual:Dominion , that cannot pale , and hisKingdome , a Kingdome that cannot he de flroyed. And the Prophet Mica, c to the famepurpofe; I E H o v A. H (hail raigne puer them, inMount Sion , from this timeforthforeuermore. This is it which the d Angell telleth MARIE , Hee ¡hall raigne osier the hoof¢ of I A C o s for euer, andof bis Kingdome there(hall bee no end. . For where it e is faid,that this Kingdomesnuff haue an end, and that hefhati deliuer it vp to God his Father: Wee muff vtederf}and , that the Kingdome of Chrili is two wayes to be con(dered; one, as heeruleth and raigneth in the hearts of the Faithfull , and is the Head of his Church, which cannot haue any end ; for hce merl} con- tinue the Head of his Church for euer. Wherefore the word which is commonly tranflated [End] may perhaps in that place rather lignifie Perfeltion; this Kingdome of his being fo fane from hauing an end with the end and diffolution of the World , that contrariwifé it fhi- neth, and fheweth it felfe mol}, when all his enemies (hall be fubdued vnder his feet, that he may raigne glo- rious in his Saints, who being then wholly led and go- uerncd