CH/AP.ó. ofRegeneration. 423 uerned byhis Spirit, hall not fo much bee fubieec} to Min, as knit andvnited with him. But the Kingdome of Chill is alfo taken for that gouernement, which for the Churches fake,and to being then to faith and obedi- ence of the Truth , bee bath oucr all the world betide, bridelingand fubduingSataa,Sinne,and all the enemies of our fàluation, which then (hall ceafe, when hawing finifhed the whole worke of our full and p:rfe& Re- dernpt ion,hee (hall crowne with immortalitie thofe that are his, Our Sauiour Chri1 con paring the Kingdome ofhea- uen to f agraine ofMsftardfeed, which being at the fi.rfi the leaf+ofall feeds,betornmeth verie great : and to z leaten, which at the fitti is in fame part of the dough, but in time fpreadeth itfelfe otter the whole lumpe; tea - cheth vs the order and manner of Gods proceedings in the things that haue beetle handled. The beginnings weake and tender : all perfe&ion referued till wee come toheaueu. Whereupon this part ofChrifcs Kingdome is diflinguifhed into the Kingdome of Grace , and the Kingdome ofGlorie. The Kingdome of Grace , which is, and ((andeth by faith, and therefore by the Word ( the fubiel of faith) ordinarily , that in the Church ofbeleeuers , the Word and the Spirit doe alwaies goe together, the Church ne- uer deflitute of the Spirit , the Spirit neuer feparated from the Word. As the Prophet iovneth them by an eucrlaflingCotenant, Efay 59. h This re my Cotenant with them, faith IE H O V A H :OW] 1y Spirit which is in thee, and my word which ! haue put in thy mouth , fhaDnot depart out ofthymonth, nor out ofthe month of thy feed , nor east of the mouth of thyfeeder feed, from this timeforth for evermore. Sovaine a thing it is., whilfi wee liue in this World, to drearne of a Spirit without the Word. The Spirit of Chrift therefore working by Faith, the Anabaptifts and firth like fanatical) fpirit. weakely here by Faith, and therefore by sneanesofthe Word (ordi- narily ) which is called the Kingdome of Grace. f Matti).r3:3T. g Matt. 11.33. hEfay9.a1.