424 The fecondBooke ofDiuinitie, CHnr. 8, perfealy here. afterby Sight., (andtherefore immediately by Chrifts Spirit :)&that is called the Kingdome of Glorie. i Reu, 11,24.,s3. k r.Cer.13.9,10. l t.lohn 3.3. the worke itfelfe tnufl needs be of the nature of Faith, weake and imperfc& as that is. But , in the Kingdome of Glorie comming to fee Chrifl, all things (hall bee wrought by the prefent be- holdingofhim,the viuion of his face,and the immediate workingof his Spirit. There fhall then bei Fro Temple : brit the LordGod Almightie , and the Lambe are the Temple : For, when the Faith whereby nowwe walke,mu(I ceafe, then the preachingofthe Word , and the adminiflring of the Sacraments fhall alfo ceafe. The k Apoflle tel. leth vs,that whether propkecying and interpretation of the Scriptures,er {peakingof flrangeTongues, (which God in thole beginnings of the Gofpe! graced his Church withall,for the winning ofmen to theobedience of the Faith)srknowledgeand inf}ruaion ofóther, ( being the ordinarie way whereby we attaine here to knowledge) theyfball teafeandkeAboliJhed : for when in God himfelfe we fhall behold all things, then to no purpofe fhall there helpes ferue, which now we vfe either to teach, or to be taught. Wherefore here is all and all manner of perfe6lion 'whenheJhadbe manifejled(faith I o HN) rrc {ball be like him : fer wejhaltfee him .0 he id. This fo great a worke, to make the World anew, the Scripture commonly doth attribute to the vertue of his Refurre&ion, whereat becaufe the Glorie of his King- dome did .; &ually.beginne,thaugh the efficacie thereof were euer fence the fall of,4dam, it Idle obtaineth the name of the Kingdome m of the Sonne of c.iÁ4n, being the ground - worke and foundation of our n Regenera- tion, o IuPification, P Sanélification, and 9 riling from thedead, yea, andof the r fatting of our foules,as in the particulars hereafrer(hall be feene. A worthy fruit indeed or our Sauioàrs Refurre6tion, and (no doubt) I may truely fay, a greater and a more noble worke then the firft Creation:whereupon the Day wherein m Matt.16.2.3. n i.Pet Y.;. o Rom.4.24. p Rom. 6.4)' 7.Cor.t f.xo. F.TheiJ.4.1 4* y.Pct.3.zt. Thedar of his riling)