CWAP.B. of .Regeneration. 425 °wherein bee arofe and renewed the World againe , be- ing the f fief} day of the Creatioi , which theScripture is wont to call, Thefirfl day of theWeek! becaufe it be- gannext after the Iewes Sabbath,is,inperpetuall memo- rieof that benefit, become the Day which we Chrifli- ans doe keepe holy theDay being changed, but not a Day ofrcfi abolifhed. And that the Daywas fo changed, is ea fie to beepro_ ued out of the Scriptures : for firfi , on this Day the A- pofiles t kept their folemne Affemblies, and Congre. gation-meetings,on thisDay,theycame together to x praier, preaching ofshe Word, breakingof bread,&c. on thisDay were z colleliions and gatherings for the poore : And "- John on this Day gaue himfelfe in a fpeciall manner to fpirituall Meditations. Paula likewife having cle6tion of feuen whole dayes, whereinhe abode at Tram, made onely choice of this. Secondly, Our Sauiour Chrif} himfelfe gaue teflimo- nie to thisDay,gracing it with his b apparitions, c difiri. butionsof the holy Ghofl, &c. Forthe d Feaf1of`Pente- cell fell alwayes vpon this firfi Day of the wecke. But youwill fay,We re ade no where ofanyCommandement gl ten for fuçh analteration. Neither is it neceffarie ; the confiant pra&lice of Chrifl andhis Apofiles, and of the Churches thengenerally without exception, is a rule to binde all Ages inperpetuitie, Peeing theApofiles did no- thing of their owneheads , but as they were taught of Chrift during thofefortie daies that he abode with them after his Refurre&ion : And yet if a Commandement were n.eedfull, is no: that an expreffe Commandement, a.Cor.4.6.2. Touching the gathering for the Saints , ae 1 hieue appointed in the Churches of Galatia,fo alto doe yeci Etter, firß `,Day of the wecke, let euery one lay sfide, &c. which is a fpeciall dulieofthe Sabbath Day. I verily thinke , the Pfalsef fo long before pointed at it, when he faith, e This fameDay (wherein Chrifl, the f Mattyi.sB.rG Marke t6.9. Luke 24.1. John 1o.i. 'which was the firfl day of the Creation, is . (an cuer]ailing remembrance ofthat benefit) come in the place of the Sabbath, t John x.19,26. Aöls Z.T. u 'udnrutivmv. x ilas16.13. y Alts ao.7. z I.Cor.16.a. Reuel. t .10. a Aas b Marke 16.1f Luke 24.24. John 10.19, 26. c AÔ`ls 2.4 . d Leuit,23, t gs 16. e Pfa/.118, x4.