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426 ThefecondBooke ofDiuinitie, CHAP. 8. theStone which the Builders refufed, ìs, by his rifing f P(al.toi.r9 from the dead, become the Headofthecorner, cPrince Mcb z,S,6c. of a new created people, and Lord of the g world to come) !Amish bath made, that is to fay, magnified and made famous, to be celebrated with praifes and thankf- giuings inhis Church for euer : As the word (made) is taken,I.Sam.t 2.6. Efay 43.7. and in diuers otherplaccs. And what maruell thoughtheDay fuffered a change, when the whole World it felfe was changed ? and This, befides the change of theDay it felfe, brought with it twoother notable changes alto : called the FirfU, Of thename : from the Sabbath, to bee called LordsDay, by a greater and more honourable Title , h The Lords h pay, confecrated to his Seruice. So as the veryname is become a Badge of our Chriflian and holy Profeffion, feueting vs from levees, Turkel, and other enemies to the Name of Chriff. Neither (hall you finde in all theNew Teflament, that the Day which the Churches celebrate, was , at any time after Chrifis Afcenfion , called , The Sabbath Day. beginning Secondly In that it beginneth not on the eueningof 5 when arole, the Day before, as theTewifh Sabbaths did, but at the and began to 'When dawning of the Day i our Sauiour began the renew the World. worke of his Refurre&ion. i Marke 16. 9. Now, that theDay whichwee are to fan&ifie,begin - bobn ao.r. neth at that time, is made good by the pra&ice of Saint Panl,who tarrying at Trek feucn whole dayes,preached vpon thisDay and continuing his Sermon vntill mid- nighr,fpent the refl of the night in holy conference veto the dawningof the day,and then departed, Aff.20.7,1 t. This gccat Proceed wee now to the ref+ that followeth , concer- workehath ning the exccllencie of Chrifiskingdom.Thc beginning two parts ;Re- whereof, is Regeneration by his Spirit :the fruits or qua- generation lilies whereuntowe arc regenerate, edome g sÌdSaluation. g > WiÇ > Rihte- U oufñci% and SanFt&fication : The end and accomplifh- ment, Happineffe and Immortalitie ; for fo our Sauiour teach-