CH A P .8. OfRegeneration. teacheth, ìohn 3.3,5. Vnleffe a man be borne againe, hee cannotfee (or enter) into the Kingdome of God. Regeneration being firfl , and the ground-worke of the ref+, we are to fee what Regeneration is. I define it to bee our fpirituall incorporating into Chrifl; betweene which and theworke of San6tifica- tion , the difference lyeth plaine : for as Creation is di- flinguiihed from the qualities wherein men were crea- ted: Co is this New Creation from the qualities where- unto wee are regenerate. And as Generation is one thing, and thecorruption that Parents beget vs in,ano- ther : fo is our New birth, one thing ; and the Holineffe or San&ification which we haue thereby, another. This appeareth manifef+ly, t. John 5.8. where Spirit, Water, Bíoud,tharis to fay, Regeneration, Iuflification, Sandi. fication, are diftinguifhed.And Job. 3.r, a, 3.wherepu- rifying ofourfelues,is made an effe,6,+of being the fonnes. ofGod. So our Sauiour faith, lohn 3. 6. That which t borne ofthe Spirit: whereby he meaneth our part rege- nerate ,is Spirit , that is to fay, wholly fpirituall , holy, and fan6lifyed : As thatwhich is borne oftheflelh, (rnca. ning all of vs by flefhly Generation ) isflefh,that is to fay, carnali in euery part, and in all the powers both of bodie and foule, impure and vncicane,and fubiec`+ to the wrath of God. Peter allo, when he faith, a Hailingyour fettlespuri'iedby obeying of the Truth, through the Spirit, unto brotherly lotie, without hypocrifie,from a pure heart, lone one anetherferaeenrly, being borne againe,&c.maketh a difference betweene there three, Regeneration ,San- élification, and the fruits thereof, in louing one another, This is yet more euident, in that Regeneration is that which b maketh vs the formes of God : but c Santiifica- tion is the worke ofGods Spirit., when wee are once his fonnes,although there things in time cannot be fevered, but in ordtr and nature onely. make therefore Regeneration to be the whole worke E,e . of 427 Regenera.- titan is a roPet.i.239 a3. h oh>tt.ts,t3;. c Rorn.B, g, e, ,.. ar.