Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A r.8. OfRegeneration.- made onely natural] : Thefirsi man ApAM was made a lining foule, (or a naturals perfon ) the last An A M was made a quickening Spirit. Againe , k Such as the earthly one is-ditch alfa arethofe that are earthly, andfuck as the heauenly oneit,fstch alfo are thofe that Ireheauenly. And as webeare the Imageof the earthy one,foPallwee beárc the Imageofthe heauenlyone: Secondly , I note the dignitie of thofe that .G o D vouchfafeth the honour of a new Birth vnto, that it is a tranflating of them from the rotten flocke of their Parentsaccording to the flefh,and an ingraffing of them into the nobleStockeof his Sonne Chria Iefus ; that as we are of one flefhly mould and fubfiance wirh ourPa- rents, fo are wee fpirituallyof onenature and fubflance with Chrift, and arc truely and indeed; ( but in a hea- uenly and fpirituall manner) boneofhis bones,and flefh ofhis Leib , as theApoflle fayth , By 1 one Spirit wee all are baptized into one Bodie,andare made to drinfke into ono Spirit; that is,are incorporate into Chrifi,and made par- takers of his whole perronboth of his bodie and feule. And hereupon wee arc laid tobee m in Chris`, to ri put on Chrs1b, that O Chrirt dwelleth invs, and that wee are his p Houle and (1 Temples, &c. This neere coniunélion, our Sauiour expreffeth by the fimilitude of a Vine and the branches, John 15.1, 2. The Apoflle, of a }Iodic and the members, I.Cor,I 2.12,and againe, ofa man and wife in wedlocke , Ephef. 5.2 5 . Thehwfband is the wives head, as Chris`I is the headof the Church. Thus the Prophet alfo fpeaketh,Rofh.2.18.1will effi.snfe thee tobemine for ewer. The Song; of Salomon, and the flue and fortieth Pfalme are wholly (pent in the celebra- ting of this fpirituáll Marriage. And Ezechiel in his fix. teenth Chapter loth notably declare it from the eighth Verte, vnto the fourteenth , 1 fretchedthe wingof mye garmentouerthee, taking thee for my Wife: and being, thy Husband and Redeemer,/ cowered thy ngkedneffe,and: E.c 2 _ fware, 429 k lycrfe 49 incorporatitYg into Cí:rlft, I I.C9Y,t2,I3. . m a.Cor.S.Iy.; n Ca1.3.z7. o AP12e1317.. p Heb 3.6.