-43ü ThefecoaBookeofDitsinitie, CHAP.S. r t.ro,.s.s. Gal.s.t7. f Ephef4 24 Col.; .20. t 7tolil.7.z1,2 f. u Rom.7.2z. Ephcfe3.i6. x Pfat y Ephef.c.ac. fîvare , and entred into a Covenant with thee, that thou miPubeTl bee shire. Jwarned thee with water,and wafted away the abundance of bloudfoai thee, and anoynted thee with Oyle, as great Princes were wont to haue their Wines to bee, before they came together: meaning the anoynting of the Spirit , whereby Thee was regenerate reflored to her beautie.To conclude, faithhe,I clothed thee with 6roydered werke , and hod thee with Badgers skínnes, and!girded thee about withfine Linnen , and co- wered thee with Silke : 1decked thee alfo with Ornaments, and' put Bracelets upon thy hands, and a Chaine on thy necke, and 1 put a Frontlet vpon thy face , and Eare-rims in thineeares,and a beautiful! Crowne vpon thine head: that is, I gaue thee all things both for neceffitie and de- light, crowned thee with beautie and great honour,and made thee a Qecne by thy match with me. The man thus borne againe, or fo much ofhim as is regenerate , is called r Spirit , 1i f new man , or a man new created , The t minde The u inner man The Spirit, principally in regard of the Authour and Efficient of it, the Spirit ofGod and of that whole heauenly and fpi- ritual] worke, whereofwee heard before ef1man new created , to Phew both the excellencie and d;fficulrie of the worke : the excellencie, as being all cart into a new mould , that our flefhhnefï'e may bee put off: thedifli- cultie,in that it is no lefle a piece of workc,then to make the World againe, that fo weemay learne to afcribe the Glorieof itvnto God alone : For x he hathmade vs,and wee haue not made our[clues to be his flocke, and the f 'eepe of his pafiure. And as the Apoftle faith to the Y Ephe- fìans , Wee are his workmanfhip , created in Christ lefus vntogood workes. Laflly, BecauCe in our miede and inward parts, this renewing doth fpecìally (hew it felfe, as our naturali corruption doth, fpecìally in the flefh; thereof it is, that it bath the name alloof the miede and inner man. All which,