CH A P .8. OfRegeneration. 431 which, together with the workeofRegeneration, com- prehend aìfo thr qualities wherein , or whereunto wee are regenerate : for there things , though they be ditlin. gui(hed, yet cannot be fundred or diuided. From this our incorporating into Chri1l,foure things doe follow : Fitt}, In that wee are fo incorporate as is aforefaid, Chrift himfelfe muff needs be the Head of this incorpo- ration, and wee the bodie,members ofChrift our Head, and members one of another, as the Apotile fpeaketh in many places, Hee z hath made himHeadweer allvnto the Church, which is his Bodie, thefulneffe ofhim thatfrl- leth all thins in all : for a as the bodie is one, and hatb many members andall themembers of the bodie which is one , they beeing many , are one bodie : fo is Cirisii. Nowyee are the bodie of Chris¢, and members particu- larly. Wee b aremembers of his Bodie , of his flefh and of his bones. I f eako or Christi and of his Church. c I fulfill the re.s`tt of the afflictions of Christ , for his Bodie which is theChurch. Weed beingmany, are one Bodie in Chrili, and emery one one anothers members. The Papiftc ,which teach Thee whole Bake of which that the true Carholike Church , and cuery member ChurchofChr&Confifìeth of it, is quickened by his Spi- of wicked and good toge- rit, and liueth by his life, as Cher, (Pan/ faith , It is no more I that lisse, but Christ liueth iar mee. Whereupon, becaufe C11 a i s T raigneth there fo glorioully by the power of his Spirit, this crue Church is many times called, The g Kingdotne ofGod. And as there is but oneChrif#, nomore can there bee but one Church. There is one Bodie, andone Spirit,faith hPaul co the Ephefians , eteen a#.yeewere called inone hope ofyour vocation ; OneLord, one Faith, one Baptifrne, one GodandFather ofall, &c. And to the C'orinths , &camfe the.bread( that Loaf and holy Sacratn u t whereof wee Ee 3 au Z [email protected], a r, 22,27. b .3o,3a. c Col.r,z4, d Rom,11, 5. e aáv7d eráuct, fGal,zo,io, g lohn 3.5 h Epli,4. 1,5.60