ósPlato inhis Dialoñue,enti- tuledCratylty. s Gen. s.z9. d Tò ?I' 9:;i yr.6.1sov. AO/U.19.. Thefìri Booke of .viuinitie, CH A r. r. asking him,When 1Thalfarvnto thé,7heGodofjourfathers bathPent meveto yon,and theyfay tome, What is hie name ? What(hall lfay to them?I EH o V AH anjmered M o s E s, E H I E H (or I am) for Iam.Andhefaid,7hue fhalt thoufay to the Children oflfrael,E n i E H ( that is,I am) hathfont mevntoyosa. Againe,Cgodfaid to M o s E s, Thus ,halt thou fay vnto the Children oflfrael,I E H o v Ali thegodofyour fathers,the godof A B R A H AM, the Clod of Is A c x, and the Godof T AC Os bath fensME vntoyon.7his is my Name for etuer,and this iemy Memoriallvnto all Ages. Of the o- tlaer,wee read,PfaI.68.5. Exalt himfor hit Name I A H. It is moll certaine, that b the nameof a thing ( if it be rightlygiuen)ferueth to fet out the truenature &proper- tie of the thing , wherein confiíled a great part of that wifedomewhich was in e/fdans.,, who c gaue apt and fit names to all the Bea(is ofthe Field, and to all the Fowles of the Ayre, according to their qualitie and condition: much more is the fame tobe thought of,thisName which the moll wife God taketh to him, and is neuer giuen to any Creature,Man,nor Angel, to Temple, San&uarie,nor any holy place elfe, not fo much as in a Sacrament all fig- nification, if theplaces Teeming to ferue for that purpofe be rightly skanned.Thefe words therefore doe truly and perfealy comprehend that backe par: of his,or d whatfo- euer may be knowne of Cod,fo farre as our Lendercapa citie is able to reach. For firf+,herebyappeareth that all that is, is in him,fubfifience,life, vnderflanding, will,ho- lineffe, happiueffe,and whatfoeuer elfe:all proper to him, all his, and cornmeal from him: all effentiall veto him, andof his nature : all infinite,eternall,and vnchangeable. Or to fpeake more plainc,in that he is Being,firff,hemuff needs haue in himfelfe the very life,foule & perfe6lion of all things that be,fubfiftence ,life,vnderffanding,wil,ho_ lineffe, happineffe, and whatfoeuer elfe. Secondly , all this hee bath infinitely,for what can be itnagined,where Being fhould be excluded?Thirdly,nothing is in him but effentiall and of his nature, for all is his Being. Fourthly,. how.