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- 431 The fei'ond Booke of Diuinitie, CHA r,8, all eats ,theBadge of our coniunaion with Ch ifl .) s r.Cor,ro.r7. onë, thereforewe that aremany, are one i Rodte. Thus alfo k cant.6.6., doth Salomon fing in hisDîuine Song, My k Done is one. And as'there is but one Church, nomore there is bùt elApfh.i.íz. ®t;e Head, i that is,ChrifU, one Sheep-fold, andone Shep_ heard, ashe himfelfe fpeaketh, lohw io. 16. And this Ti tieof Head of the Church, the Apofile giu:th him, as it were by,excellencie, aboue all other creatures,Col.i,I8," al ñ xelaxn. He is rn that Head of the The Papiftsyvillhaue the Pope, !Iodic of the Church. be trieHead of theChurch and Therefore it is blafphe make it a Macfter withtwo heads. mie and impietie , to Andwhere they pretend the Popé'' p to be onely a Minifteriall head.,,it is x make any other Head ridiculous: for, of the Church but him. Firft, If theydense him that pro= Euery mem- Yet in this out fpi;i- pertie, and chofe offices which be_ ber in his due long unto a head then the make proportion. tuas incorporating into him noHcadat211. y ChriR, a proportion is Secondly, Chrift himfelfe being tobe obferued : For e- a!wayes- etfeEtually prcfent in the tien as among themem- Church by his Spirit, as hee iaith, bers of a man, all are Matz ,zo.Fammttb you aiwayes,vnto not of like di titie and the endof theWorld, hathno need of á a Deputie or Vicar, nor can baue any : for,by the rule of all Law and rea'on Commiflìonsand Deputations haue no place in the presence of thepartie. The Pore therefore bearing him elfe as headof theChurch and taking vpon him moll facrilegioufly all that belongeth to the Head. is.that Antichrif the man offinne; ofwhomwee reade, z. The .a.;, e''C, for Paul :here fpeakechnotof one particular perron, as the Papifts fondly furmife, but of the whole bodie and fuccetho.nof that AntichriftianSee; which kind ofphr'fe is common in the Scripture, as E(ay z; , r S. Tyrus(hall beforgown f untieyeeres , according to thedavesof ene King: that is, during all the time tha t the Babylonian Kings thali' flourith fromNe- buchadneKKarvnto cyrus,whi ch lafted (eucntie yeeres in the íucceffionofdiners Kings; SoDan, isfaid,Foure great beafisíhail rife out or theSia,which in the feuenteenth Verre he interpreteth to befoure Kings, that is, foure Monarchies or Kingdomes. And fo loth the Apoftlevle thephrafí in this very pla e, Theft z.7. Hee that letteth, or which now ruleth (meaning the Romane Emperour)fhall let tillheebe taken aruay. But one Emperour didnot, nor could lice fo long as from P'auls time, to the tranhlating of theEmpi' e of Rome. Hee meaneth therefore thefuccefíionofEmperours,and heere theCu( ceffion (ArliePapacie. And that the Sea of Rome is the feat of this inicpairie, appear, th, be fideother r uments , in that it muff be the Ladie Citie of theWorld, Neu.i7<s8,fituate vpon feuen kids, Reu 17,19.whicha reeth to Rome alone, pre-