(;HAr.8. OfRegeneratiofl, 433 prereminence, ( for ifall Were one membcr,where were the Bodie ? if the whole bodie were the eye wv at fhould becomeof the hearing? if all hearing ,..Where were the &telling ? ) but the differenceof tilt members maketh a more excellent agreement in the Bodie.So is it not only in the outward Church, but in the triuè Cacho- like Church of Chritl,Chritl himfelfe the Head; the tell; 'fame Armes, foam Legges fomeFeet , &c. a's befl may make for the beanie and dignitieof the whole. Sowee e taught , Epbéf. t 5,16. Let vs`crow vp in him in all things who is the head, even Chriil by whom allthe Ro_ "'áfie coupled and {Zn it together by euery loynt, furnedac- 7 cording to the effec`bsali working in the meafuro of every particular part, maketh an increafeofthe bodie, &c. i .Cor. t 5, 27. The Roche is not one Member but many if thefoot (hall. fay , Becanfe I am not of the head I am not of thebodie is it not therefore of theRodie, c? Nowyeeare the Rodeof Chrisi- , and members particu- lar/y: eArnd thefe Godbathfet in theChurch,fars%, Apo_ les; &e. Secondly ,. As the Vine andbranches are of onena. ture, theman and wife one flefh, the head and the mem- bers one Bodie : fo wee are cne with Chrill and confe- quentlyone, one with another , as Syens ingraffed on the arme ofa Tree, is both one with theArrne,and with theTree it felfe. This our Saviour teacheth moll fweet- 1 y, Iohn 17.21.7-hat allmay be one,as thou_Father, in me, c I in thee, that they alfa may be one in vs.Andby reafon of this vnion which the members haue with the head, and euerymember one with another,it is that the whole bodie ( that is to fay, Chri{l himfelfe the Head , and all the Church which are his met bers) are called n Chriff, as weheard before. And fo taking Chrifl together with his Ele&,the Catholike Church is called,The Mother of theSpoufe himfelfe, Cant.8.2.and the Church (that is, all the Elea) bis Sifter,Cant.4.9. and 8.8. E e 4 Th whereby being one with him and through bin) wi h Gods, , n r,r.od.tr.r.:.