43 4 ThefeeondBooke ofDduinitie, CH AP .8, wee become chil.:rcn by Adoption, o ram T.TZ,T3. p Gar.3.T7. q Ga1.4 4. The third thing is Adoption, or the makingof vs the 'fonnes of Godby grace , being regenerate , and borne againe in Chrift , who is the Sonne of God by nature as it is faid,oTo them that received him,hegame this dioni- tie to bee thefonnes o fCod : P for all o fyouare the fonnes ofGod by faith inChris When thefulneffe oftime came , qodfent forth his Sonne,&c. that wee might receiue the Adoption. Fourthly, Being one with Chris},we arc) haue hisSpi_ rit to be ours: for ifanyman hove not the Spirit of Chrifp, thefame is not his,Rom.8.9. Becaufeyee arefonnes, fayth theApoflle,Gal..4.F. Godbathfentforth the Spirit ofhis Sonne tntoyour hearts, crying , Abba, Father. And hereupon the Spirit of Chriti, whom we receiu., is called, The Spirit of Adoption, Rotn.8. i 5. Now let vs in a few words recapi:ulate the fammeof all we are to know concerningRegeneration, for fo wee (hall make a better paffage to that which followeth. Firtl, It is a mere r Creation. God findeth nomore matter to worke vpon for the makingof a man anew, then when hee made the lumpe whereof heauen and earth were framed. Secondly, The manner of this Creation is by a new birth, when a hollowperfen, (one as emptieand voyd of heart, as the hollow ofa tree is of fubt'îance) is made to hawse a heart, and a wild Affe-colt borne ,4 man, (by fpi rituals Regeneration as Tfophar fpeaketh , lob. i 1.12. A maruailous and a Orange birth, wherein there is no morehatter tobeget him of, then there is in thehollow of a tree, to fetch out heart of Oke. Thirdly,Therefore this Birth is nornatural,as Parents beget their children ; bus legall, as lechontas begat Sat- lath et, whether he adopted him , or rather, that as next of DA v I D s line , without adoption, he fucceeded in the gotternment. But howfoeucr it were in the cafe of eatathicl, we fpcakcof that which is Adot tine. Fourth- 1ndhlue his Spirit to be VMS, t Tfal.Tes.rB. Efay65.T8. babe gLzd,&c,. yee whom I create, èEph. 7.T®. Gal.6.T 5.