Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

Cxn r.8. OfRegeneratiotr. 435 Fourthly,There is a difference of this Adoption from all other: for men adopt children when themfelues are childleffe. God hauing a Sonne of his owne , adop- teth vsvaro hitn, and.therefore all Adoption f is in and t Epb.r.rg. throughChri(}. Fiftly , Becaufe G.on was purpofed tobring many children this way vino glorie , it pleated him to found a mot} noble Incorpoiation, whereofall other bodies po- litique are but counterfait. Of this Incorporation, Chrift,God and man, is the Head, all being adopted by him, and incorporated intohim , the members are curry one Kings and Prieiis; two of the moil facred and ve- nerable things that euer were in the world : eucn among the Heathen, the bone aid ligament that tyeth all toge- ther, is the holySpirit; the foule, as it were-of this lri- corporation That where other Corporations are laid to confies of a bodie without a foule , this bath the Spi- rit ofGodhimfelfe tobe the f'!ul:C of it. So the Apofile teacheth, i.Cor. i 2. t 3. By one Spirit wee areall baptized into one Bodie, andall made to drink! into one Spirit. A- gaine, t There is one Bodie, and one Spirit that knitteth t El;11.4.4=_ all the parts together. Sixtly, Therefore all() we line ti all by one Spirit, the u GaL$.2,%. fame Spirit that quickned our Head , quickning alto vs that are his members , is that whofoeucr is Chri as, bath his Spirit , Rom. 8. i T. Tite very word, of the promife imply as much, x 1 willput my Spirit in themidib ofthem X £.rek' 36«7. And thereupon is theGofpell called , Y The miniflcrie of' y a.Cor3.s. the Spirit. And z PA v L fayth, Recetued yee theSpirit by z Gal.3.1. theworkes of the Law, or by the hearingofFaith? And as certainely and verily as the naturall mart liuethby his reafonable foule, fo certainely and verily Both the Re- generate man hue by the Spirit dwell;ng in-him , being now no more a naturali man (fo farre as hee is Reggine* rate) but hauing all his life from and in that 'Iodic poli- a Gd.,.zo. . tick; ; a I line. no more, t, but Cris liueth in me, b wl l ens b colúf