36 ThefecondBooke ofDiteinitie, CH A r .8. 'C:briil which is ourlife'hall ice man:feffed, &c. There- fore is the whole Bodie (comprehending both the Head and members) called.' ChriiT ; and every particular, a Spirit : becaufe, as he is begottenof the Spirit, fo hee liueth in,and by the Spirit. , This is the fumme of all ; whereunto let meadde, Firfi, Where the Spirit is , it e purifieth and clenfeth the heart , maketh all whole and cleane, as a griffe fet into a Stocke , cloth alter and change the nature of it : wherefore Sara&ification of the whole man, is an vnfe- parable companion of the Regenerate eíìate ; f That which is borne of the Spirit, is Spirit, heauenly and fpi- rituall. C r.Cor.rzoz. d Iohn.3,6. s.rohn 5.4. c 451s15.9. f lohn 3.6. g fal.5.-45. Sealed vp du- ring the in- fancie of Re- generation, Secondly, That liuing in the Spirit,it is as naturali for vs (fo farre as wee doe litre in the Spirit , that is to fay; are Regenerate, and confequently far,ótified ) to bring forth the fruits of the Spirit, Loue, Ioy, Peace &c.as they are reckoned,Galat. 5.22-as it is for fire toburne,for the wind to blòw,&c.which is it the Apofile faith there,g if wee hue in the Spirit , let vs al fo walks by the Spirit. And fo are the graces of the Spirit diffinguifhed from the Spirit dwelling in vs, as the cffe&s from the caufe, in the very famemanner, as the worke of reafoning and difpu- ting is, from our reafonable foule it felfe. But of thefe two things ( theworthie fruits and ef- fees of Regeneration) wee are to fpeake in that which followeth. Of a Regenerate efiate, there bee two degrees , as it were two ages ; Infancie , and Mans efiate : of both which the Apofile fpeaketh, Eph.4. i 4. Till wee meet all together in the vnitie ofFaith , and of the knowledge of the Sonne ofGod , vnto aperfefb man , vnto the meafure of theage of the fulneffe ofChris&that wee may be nomore children, &c. And i . Corin. i 3. i o. When thatwhich is perfeel 'hall come, then that which is in part, fhallbee done away. P'hen I wai a child, 1fjake ai a child ,I reafoned ras