Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P.8. OfRegeneration. 437 as i child. Tut when Íbecame a man, Iput away thecon- ceits ofa child. . The Infancie of Regeneration, I call that weake in- ceptionwhich is in vs during this prefent life , wherein we are yet as little children fcarce come out ofthe (hell h New-borne babes , as PE TER calleth vs , ¡which re- h r.Pet.z.z. cesue but the firftfruits of the Spirit, or onely, k a pawns oiPTlytiv' or pledge, theearnefl penny of the Spirit : for as in the ßPO"' naturall birthof a man, his bodie commette not into the 1 Rorz.4.z3. k z,Cor.z.r. world fo great and flrong as afterwards it proueth , but fmall, weake, and impotent : fo in the fpirituall birth ofRegeneration , the fouie ofman is not at the firfl mo- ment indeed with perfe lion,but muff grow and goe on forwards to it. I meane not that this Infancie is the firfl a& of our (which is all Regeneration : for there be fome that areborne (in re_ our lifelong) fpeói ofothers) flrong in Chrifl,and Giants the firfl day, as was the Apoflle Paul. But I meane the whole pro- greffe alfo, and continuance all our life, even in thebell: And fodoth the"Apoflle, r.Cor. i 3. i i. bring the liimili- tude of child-hood and mans eflate, not to note thebe- ginning and proceeding in Chriflianitie, but to fet forth theexcellencie in heauen , abone that which we attaine, vnto being here. To this elate, there foure things are proper; Firfl, In euery man Regenerate, there bee, as it were , two men divided; the old , and the new man. The old man, cal- led alto the outward man the flefl, the members, ( for we cattle about vs a whole bodyof fnne) is fo much of s vs whatfoeuer it be, within or without , that is natural' and left yet vnregenerate. The new man, called alfo the inner man , the Spirit the minds , is our part Regene rate and borne againe , wherein being freed from finne, we beginne to bring forth fruits to God. And that both thereare in one and the fame man,wee are taught,Alat. 26.41. TheSpirit is re4die ,but the flefh is weake. r.Coro 5 .