Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

438 in our owne inward a%u- r1n-cof ïhc Spirit,not in the Worlds difccrning of it 1 1lobs 3,2. and growing, according as- tour Faith doth grow. m 6pbef.4.t3. The fecond Booke If CH A P.8. 5 ç. Deliser farch 4 one to Satan! , to the defruEtion of the flefh, that the Spirit may. beefaced in the Day of theLord lefits.G41.5.17. The firth luftethagain,[ the Spirit , and the Spirit irgatnft theflefh, èhatyee cannot doe the things lops would. Rom. 7.s 5. ThereforeI tryfelfe in the Lunde ferse the Low ofGod, but in theflefh the law *filmy : and in a number of other places. Thirdly , That it is not a worke to be frene and knowneof men , as that other (hall be manifeit vetoall. Brit emery mans confcience muff allure him for hirnfelfe and ofother inwhom there bee fignes and likelihoods, we ate to hope the bell; wherefore the Apoftle,¿'o1.3.3 faith, That our life i3 hidwith God in Chrift, not to be ma... nifefied till Chrift cur Lifedoe manifej1 himfelfe. For.1 this ca.ufe, faith another, tkeWorldknoweth vs not, becanfe it knoweth not him. Belued, nowarewe the ChildrenofGod, bat it is notyet made manifejl what wefhall6e. Fourthly , In this infancie there is yet a continual) growth , till wee conic to the full meafure of a petfe } man in C:itiíl : And that is it which the Apoille fayth, y. 07%446. that the inner man is renewed daily ; as hee doth more largely declare it, Eph,4.15,16. Being fincere in lone, let vs grow vp inhim in all things, who is theHead, :wen Chr i(t, ofwhom all the whole bodie knit together and compati. by all the ioynts, furnifhed throngh thepower with- in, workingof Chri(l,our Head,quickening all the parts, as the Soule doth the Body , accordin. to themecifureOf emery rrsMber,receiae than increafe fitfor thebodre,to the boildmng vp of itfelfethrouah lone, C'olof.2,19. By whcm, or fromwhom , that is to fay, 'fromChrift the Head , all theBodie furnilked and knit togetherby ioynts and bands, increafcth with the increafe ofGod. Andhither thole two Parables before, A1at.13 . forme to tend. Fiftly,That themeafure and proportion ofour growth, is the meafure and proportion of our Faith , as the A= poífle íhewet.h there, /11 that the vnzitie ofFaith bringeth the