CH AI, .9. ofWifdeme, 439 --suuvocurat m_ se..,,... .1..,. theperfeuion of the Bodie ofChrifl. So as the greater we be in Faith,the ffronger wee are in Chrif+ ; ifof(mall Faith , then wcake Babes is Chrill. The full perfe6tion and accomplifhment of Regene- ration (hall then bee , When wee h.asteattayned the mark!, andaremadeperfect, as the Apofile fpeaketh, Therefore this degree is termed,Mans ef}ate : and Come- times by a noteof excellencieaboue the other, bath the name ofRegeneration appropriateveto it, as appeareth by conference ofMat. r9.a&.with Make io. 3o. where that which Matthewnarnetb Regeneration, is called The World tocome: for then indeedBoth our Spirituali Mar- riage beginne, all our life here being , as it were n the biddingof the bands of a Wife. TheChurch in the Can- ticles fetteth it forth , by o bringing ofChris`) into the Hoaafe ofher Mother. CHAP. IX. OfWifedome, Righteoufneffe, SanCfiifìcation` and Redemption. E holy Angell telling lofeph of a Swine to bee brought into the World , whole name fhould becalled IE sus, rendreth this reafon of the Name : (iFor bee(hall face his peoplefrorntheir fînnnes. That Sal- vation, the Spirit of Chrill dwelling in vs, and beeing ours by Regeneration, effeóually doth worke: for it wafhethvs fromour finties,it iuftifieth our perfons, and fancRifieth our hearts , flaying finne in our mortal( bodies , and quickening our foules to a lining hope, through theRefurrecion of Iefus Chrifi, and (hall he"eafrer quicken both our bodies and our foules veto euerlaffingGlorie. Thus the Apoffle writeth co the Co-^ ji;7ths; After ccm rr3.rh th perfePRege- neratio.^.., which the Scriptrtrz cal- Jeth wt.:ns cilue. n Cant,4.7,8 o cast.7.6. Saluation wrought by theSpiritof Chrill dwel ling ins, q Nat.*,