44° - n i.Cer.`.ir. Rom.8.i L. p Io}s4 5.53.. kath twopirts, Illumiraaon and Iuiti.ñca- tjorj, The rand Evoke of Dtutittte, CrAa.g. ninths, It But yee are wend from ( the firmes wherein they formerlywallowed) 6utyee are irt.gified, butyesare fanfl'ified in theNgme ofthe Lord Iefu , and by the Spirit ofour God. And to the O Romans , If the Spirit of hier, that rayed lefits fam thedead, dwell rnyou, he that raifed Chri lfrom the dead ,will alfo auict.`enyour mortali bodies by his spirit dwelling inyou. As on the other fide P Chrifl fayth, T.rnitffeyeeat the flefhof the Son ofrnan, and drinke bis blond, yefball hawno life inyotr: for without an Vni=- on withChrif , there can.bee no true partakingof his gifts vnto Saluation; no more then a woman can bepar- taker of the riches and honour of Come great man , ex- cept (lice be ioynad with him inMarriage , fo that they become one bathe and one firth :. for then the members can drawlife from the head,iftheybe not knit vnto it. The workeof this fauing Grace that is brought vnto vs by the ramming of our LORD and Sauiour Iefus Chrif} , bath beenepointed at in general!. Firff, Toddlroy the old Ap A art, or the oldman ; that is, the finfuil and wretched,condition , which by nature euery MothersChild bringeth into the World, and is as old as fence Adam fell, tobee vnder the power ofSatan, (lanes of fnne , and children of deflruaion. Then the bellowing ofa new, a bleffed ,and a happie dilate , op_ pofite to the former. The r Apoflle to the Hebrews: comprehendeth both,thort throughdeath hemight abolifh him that bath thepower of death , that is , the Deuil!, and mightfetfee his Children.. So in the Epiflle to the f C'o- lofans, Who bath deliveredvsfrom thepowerofdark,reffe, and tranflated into the Kinedome of bis Sonne. And our Sauiour, As 26. t 7, i 8.To whomnowtfend thee, toopen their eyes, that they may turne fromDarkneffe unto Light, andfrom thepower ofSatan, Tinto God,, that through Fjitb, in nit', they may bane remíjon offanes, and an inheritance; among thefanUEifled ones. Paul, I,(or.z.3o. brancheth all die benefits wee haue: by att