Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

by Chrift ,into fiure: Wifedome, Right7otfnc1e, Sa etification, and Redemption , or Holineffe and Bieff neffe. Such a traîne of NobleGraces cloth ac . generation : for as man by Creationwas matir.' happier foby this new Creationwe obtayne a r our fief} eïlate : not as fotneRelique or Remayneo` Image of God, according whereunto wee are cre in the beginning: butas a new worke of Gods forming the fame in vs,after a heavenly anddiuireìháî ner out of nothing, by the power of theMurree-bonof Ictus Chritl. And in euery ofthere good things is imply- ed theremoouing of the contrarie. Wifedome ffandet not with Ignorance and Blindncffe :Righteoufnef eput`_' teth away the guilt of finne : San afication ,thepower and dominion of finne : for where oneof there is, the other cannot be. Redemption fpeaketh more cleerlyof freeing vs fromwrath, and the curieofthe Law. Wifedomeand Righteoufneffe ( from the which the other two doe flow) were, for their furpaffing excellen- de, figured in the High Priefis Vorn and Thumn im ; as you haue it taught in the explication of the Ceremonies ofthe Law. But to handle there loure apart : The firft benefit which weehaue by Chrif}, is the ta- kingawayof the vaile of ignorance, the blindneffe that naturally pofíef eth our foules ; as in that place of the Aas it is fitti named. AndEpy 25.7. He willfivaallowvp the vaile of theface thevaile th-at is vpon allpeople, and the covering that is vponall Nations. So 2.Corinth. 3.16. When their heartfhali bee tstrned ío the Lord , the vaile (hall bee takenawaj : for where the Spirit of theLordu, there is Freedome. But this is not all. In ftead of the Light of Nature (turned through finne into palpable and grofre dark- nefîe)we haue now another manner of light,an heaven- ly andSpirituali Wifedome. Agrace difiin6}, not onel.y front Knowledge that went befute, whichwas common ao Iliiqmijratir whereby dif- pelling dark- nefi'e, hecloth en- lighten out minds with the knowledge of the Kill of God in Chrii1, which the A- pof:le callcth Wifedeme,