Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

441 t ia7yvw- W. u r .Cor. z. x a.Pet.r. The fccond Bookeof Viuinitie, CH A r.9. to theReprobate,whereas this is the pfculiar of Go m s Heritage :but euen fromFaith,though the fame include Knowledge in it : fór Faith is the lnfirument of Rege- neration, John I. 12. and therefore before it innature: but this Wifedome cornmeth in nature after Regenera- tion ; for fo the Apoftle faith, Tee are of God in Chris`l, who is made vnto vs Wifedome, and Renewed t vnto Knowledge, ( which is this Wifedome.) Therefore in nature it commeth after. I take it to bee that Light of the Minde , ofwhich the Scriptute fpeaketh fo oft, comprehending vnde.r it, by a Synechdoche,the whole werke of out Renewing, Ephef, 5 8. Tee were once dar.l¿nef'ebut now are light in the Lord, 2.0ór.4 6. God ,which commanded that lightfhouldThine out ofdarkneff'e, tS he who hathfhined inyour hearts,togiue the light of the knowledge of the Cloric ofGod in the face of Chrí b. In this regard we are faid to bee illumi- nated or enlightned , z. to bee tranflated out of dark efe, intohis wonderfull light, I.Pet.2.9. Wifdome and Sanaification or Holineffe(both inhe. !ent in vs) feemc to differ thus': Holineífe is the Renew.. ing 'of-vs into the ¡late of Innocencie, which wee had by Creation. But this Wifedome is of a farce more excel- lent mould then the light of Knowledge that 4dam- had : for madams monde was indeed enlightned to vn. derffand all morali duties,but ours to the knowledgeof things that u Eye bath notfrene, Eare bath not heard,ncr have entred into the heart of man , x Which the Angels themfelttes defire to f pope dowse and iooke into,namely,the My[Ieries of the Gofpell reuealcd from aboec : where- fore that was according vnto nature: this is Diuine and fupernaturall,wherein after the valleof Ignorance taken away, that our eyes are once made able to behold the sight ; Chriff, the Image of God , doth Thine veto vs, s. Or. 3.I7.Such a Light as man by nature ( when it was at the be[I) could neuer comprehend : And hereby wee í0'371r J