Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP.9. Ofwifèdome, &c. come tohaue all the fecrets, and the whole will of God its Chrifi Iefus , made knowne vnto vs by his Spirit. A maruailous benefit, fenfibly to be feene euen in this life, that dull and ignorant men become able on a fudden to concciue the hiddenmyfierics ofChrifiianitie. It is that theApofile faith, i.Cor.2.15. The#irituallman difcerneth all things, in that we haue the mindofthe Lord manifefied vnto vs through Chrifi. Hovvbeit the illumination of our mindes in this life, bathwithall much darkeneffe : for growing wholly by the meancsof theWord, as, the Apofile faith, Col.3.16. Let theWord ofChr:f1 dwell richly in you in all wifedome : and toTimothie , Y Thouhaft knowne the Scriptures, that y s.Timpi,. are able to make thee wife : wee canknow but weakely and imperfealy, becaufe the way and meanes whereby weecome to knowledge by the Minifierie of man, is weakeand imperfe& : for, in part wee know, faith the fame Apofile, i. Cor. 1 3.9. and in part wee prophecie: that is,wee learne but imperfe&ly,becaufe our Teachers teach and infiru& vs after a lame and knperfcá manner. But,then,faith he, (when that which is perfe&commeth) I /hat/ know as 1 shall bee taught to know. Hauingfo ex- cellent a Maffei-. as Chtifi himfelfe, for our Teacher, of v. hom we shall heare things, which it is not pofíible for anymortali man to vtter, and for thewayofour Infiru_ }ion, the beholdingof him and thepretence of his face, fromwhofe immediate Spirit all is tocome, our know- ledge alfo (hall be perfe?. The fccond benefit is Righteoufneffe. The Apofile IuftiEoation, ditlinguifheth two parts of it-:Forgiueneffe of finnes, whereby for- and Imputation of Righteoufneffe,wherby we are ia(ii_ gluing our fied in his pretence, o.r4.a5. p for 1R Who was u our offences,and rayfedfor our iuftification,2.Cor.5.19,21. God wat in Chrifi, reconciling the Worldvnto bimfelfe,not impu- ting unto them their offences. And by and by, For him that F f knew 445