Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

446 The fccotadBooke ofDiuMitie, Cx A P. 9, r. Dart9.24. A !.lohn L9. b Rooa.47 c Coloff:2,13. d Dan.9.14. s EfaY38.17. f Mica.7.19. g Mica 7.1S, h EA, 43.11. ,Nrtns.23.2.1. knew not finne , hemace to beefinneforvs, that wee might become the Righteoufneffeof god in him,. DANIEL allo z in his ninth Chapter ípeaketh of them both Seuentie weeks are determined touching thy people, to fale vp finis, and to purge inigraitie, and to bring in euerlaftisg Righte_ , J firefIe. Forgiueneffe offinnes I cal it,when the guilt and fault of our offences are taken away, pardoned, and forgiuen vs, as ifweneuerhad committed them ; fo as they corne not once inaccount to reckoning before the judgement Seat ofGod again{'} vs; 'which being a benefit ofall be_ nefits, the Scripture is wont to expreffe by many formes of fpeech,Forgiuenefeof finnes,thatis,thc doing and ta- kingofthem away : a If roe confefe ourfinnes,heeis faith- ful! and righteous to forgiae vs thefinnes. b Bleffedare thole whole finnes areforgiuen them. Secondly , The free remitting of them : C Tau that w re dead, bath he quickened , freely remitting vitro you all tranfgrefons. Thirdly, The Pealing; by which is meant the hiding and the coueringofthem : d Seuentie wakes are determi- ned to Peale vp finne. Fourthly, Gods calling ofthem behindhis backe,and in- to thebottome ofthe Sea,as that good King Hexekia fpea- keth in his prayer,. e Thawhaft call behind thy backsall my finnes. And c Wíica the Prophet, f Thou wilt call all their finnes into the bottome of the Sea. Ofwhich fort is that, Pfal. a o3. I 2. 4s farre as theEaß ie from the ffeff , bath helet farre fromvs all our tranfgreffrons. Fiftly, Apang byofthere, g Who is a nightie God like unto thee,forgìasing inignitie, and paffing by the tranfgreffion of the remnant of his inheritance ? S xtly , The forgetting and blotting of them out : hi, I for my felfe blot out thy tranfgreffions, and remember not thy finnes.. Befide a number more, as that, i lice beh.ol_ dctb