Cxnt'.9. ofWif'edonre,c. 447 deth not iriquitie ín IA c o B , nor feeth frowardnefre in Ifrael ; and inch like. David in the 32. k'Ffalme,fetteth k it forth by threeMetaphors. Fire, of a beanie burthen and load , that doth preffe and keepe vs downc : BlefJ`ed is hoe that it cafedof hù f nne. Secondiy,Of a menliruous and-filthy cloth, or fluttifh corner that men v, ill be carefull to hide, and to cotter: andwbofelnne is cowered. Thirdly, Of a Debt or Obligation, cancelled or for- Olen : Blefred is the man, to whom Is H o VA H imputeth . not iniquitie. And thus the guilt of our fumes being pardoned and forgitien, the punifbment muíi altoneeds be abolifhed and done away. In all which,Godcannot bee Paid vniufl that remit- toy his taking teth thus offences, becaufe hee bath la ed them vpon- . them upon Chritl, and fet them upon his (core , t Who not 10ewing 1ztCer.s,zr: fïnne, became jnaefor vs, wa¡hingvi from thefameby bid 6loud, Reu.i.5. which is one great vfe and benefit of his fufferings. Therefore Paul faith, Co/off. 2. i1}., t 5. that He nayle4vpon the Crofre , the hand-writing of Ordinan- ces that was clofey againfl vs. Where hee compareth God the Father,to a Creditor; and vs, vnto Debtors,as bybill or writingunder our hand , which bill or writing is both the Morall Law, fo farce forth as it is a couenant of Workes, and that by it Iultification and Salvation (hould bee fought ; and alto the Law of Ceremonies, a priuie and a fecret enemie that carrying a fhcw of the difcharge ofour debt, did indeed holdvs faller bound, and fettledfor nothing elfe but for an cuidence againfl vs ; of our filthinelfe and vncleanneffe by the Legall wafhings andpurifications of the death we doe deferue, by the Sacrifices,&c. This Debt , faith theApo(}le, (which wee had neuer beene able to come (Alt of) Chrifl, our furetie, paying Ffx by