CHAP. 9. of Wifedore,&c. felues:but the y brightnsfe whereof is not meant of fhi- ning beforemen , but in the eyes of God : wherefore in many places it it called, The Righteoufnef'e ofGod,as that whichmay boldly offer it felfe in Gods fight, and abide theflri6 examination of his Iufiicc , being the Righter. oufneffe of him that is God himfelfe. But what vfe (will you fay) is there ofthe imputation of righteoufneffe, if our Loins that fewer vs fromGod, be forgiuen and taken from vs ? Yes vndoubtedly, very great and fingular,as may appeare by thofe parts of hap- pineffe, whereunto otherwvife, then by this, we are able to lay no claime. And therefore the Apofile, Rom. S.. handleth profeffedly this Doarine of imputation of Righteoufneffe, as without which, the other of forgiue- netfe of fumes had not beene perfe&. And where in an- other z place he defineth Happineffe by the forgiuenef e of fumes , Bleffed are they whofe iniquities are forgiuen, and whole fames are pardoned ; it is no full and exa& de- finition, numbring all the parts, but by a Synechdocbe, namingone, beet fitting his prefent purpofe, hegiueth to vadertland the ref},as in diners otherplaces Bleffedneffe is diuerfly defined,by thofe things which yet in truth are but branches of the true and perfe& Bleffedneffc aBlefed u the man that bathnot walked in theway of fir_ ners, b Bleffed are they that heare the Word of God, and keepethe fame. The reafonwhereof is , becaufe all theparts of hap- pineffe are fo linked and ioyned together, that he which bath one, muttneeds haue all. Theparts (if I may fo call them) of this righteouf- neffe imputed to vs , arc firfi the perfeó San&ification of Chrifis humane nature , whereby our originali, and naturali corruption not imputed to vs , ournature it felfe is accounted holy in the fight of God : whereof the A- pofile fpeaketh, Rom.8. a, 3. The Lawof theSpirit of life, which is in Chril lefut, bathfreedwirers; the lawoffinne F 3 and 449 Y Rom.I.17. and elsewhere. Z Rom,46,7 . a Pfal.t.t. b Lu!¿e j r.:a. theholineffe of his,nature,