Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

45® rhe fecohdBooke ofDitainitie, CH A r. g. and Righte- ourncíle, tobe ours. ando fdeath; for, whichwas inrpofrible to theLaw, for that it was weedu by rearm of our fiefh , Godfending hie cone Sonne in the lrkenee ofMullfleJh , for ¿nne bathcondem- ned ßnne in thefleß, that that which the Law requireth might bee fulfilled in vs where the Law of the Spirit of lift whichtiu Chrifl lefus, he calleth that perfe& and al- faficient fan&ificationofour nature inhim,whcreby he comming in theli4eneffe offinfallflefb for finne that is, to abolifhGene it felfe inour nature taken vpon him con- demned, or which is all one , aboli/hed finne in the flefh; meaning in hisowne perfon,through wholeperfe&San- &ificatiou of nature made ours , the reliques of finne, that our corrupt nature is tainted with are nöt imputed to vs ; and therefore wee bee free from death and con- demnation, being wholly reffored, cuen in our nature, to a greater integritie then we lot} in e.4dam. All which the Apofle fheweth, was in refpea oftheweakneffeofthe Lam, being ofnoflrength dy reafonof theffefh , or part vn. regenerate , which hiudreth the works ofthe Law , o. therwife molt perfe& , and is oppofire thereto , that it neithercan, or will bee fu :bie&to it : So as to the end wee taught fulfill that , whichthe Law requireth, which is, to bee righteous, not in our a&ions onely , but in our very nature, it was neceffarie fo to haue it fan6ifted in the Perlonof Chrifr, not fupplying that which ours want. eth but wholly and altogether fanF}ifying vs inhim- felfe : And by this meanes it commeth topaffe, that wee are, after the molt precife and exa6 rule of the Law righteous beforeGod , hailing theperfe& integritie of our nature abfolurely in aria : for which purpofehee faith not, might be fulfilled of vs, but invs; (peaking of Chrifls owne fanciitie imputed to vs. Secondly, The thorow and perfe&obedience which be performed in the whole courfeof his life, both in the duties toGod his Father, and in refpectt of men , with whom hewas conuerfaut here on earth; whereby all our vile