CHAP. 9. of Wifedore,&c. vile and filthy ad}ions not comming into account , our whole life is reckoned moll abfolutely good and holy, not onely void offinne , but full of perfea Righteouf- nenfe, as the fame Apoftle teacheth , b Rom. 5. fitting it forth by an excellent companion of our Sauiour Chrifi veith Adams, both in the things wherein they agree in this point, and in thofe wherein they differ. They agree in this that each conuayeth his owne to thofe that are his ( whom the Apofile therefore callethmany; oppo- fing them to that one, whom hce confidereth as their Head ) Adam hee conuayeth both guilt and finne vnto condemnation ; Chrifi , Righteoufneffe andObedience vnto Iuf}ification; theydiffer in this : Firf}, Adam deriueth it downe by nature vpon all his pofieritie; Chrifi befloweth it by grace and fauour, and free imputation. Secondly,Adams one finne condemned all;CH R t s T iuliifieth from many finnes ( not that one onely, but all other.) Thirdly , Chrifis Righteoufneffe is more auaile.. able, and of greater power to faue, then Adams finne was tocondemne :for that indeed threw vs downe from the fiate of Innocencie , but Chrifi hath rayfed vs to a more excellent f}ate, vnto the heauenly glorie.) And hereof commeth our 'unification , properly fo called , that is to fay , Gods cenfurc and judgement of vs, approouingvs for holy and righteous beforehim, and as hauing that Righteoufneffe , that is able to abide his prefcnce. So as euen by the fentence of God himfelfe, and in his mofi exaaIufiice, we are freed,and abfolued, anddeclared righteous and worthyof euerlafiing life: which is, that the Scripture oppofethto the fentence ofcondemnation, Rom.8.3 3,34. Who/ha flayaccafation to the Elea of Clod? It to God that &Mifieth, who can con- demne ? Thus the Apofilefpeaketh, Rom. 5. i8. As by one offence, dmilt f4m..: vpon all men unt0 condemnation ; fo by Ff4 one 451 b itonl,f.Iz, to the end of the Chapter.