452 c ór- xarcd,.tet7os rrs árxcúwcrD brxcirwf,ca,fig- nifieth the matter ofour Iuílific:rion Alxárevcfs,Iu- f}ification it felfe d Rom.4.25 fromwhence; commethSan- äitication and Redemption. Sanftification whereby e Rom.6.18. f Efa)1.17It8. g Rom.6.11. h 1.Pet.244. i 1.Pet.4.6. The f coed Booke ofDiuinitie, CH a r. 9, one c fnlfillingof Righteoufnefe (chat is , by Chriflper- feEt fuifillingof the Law the benefit came vpon all vnto Jollification of If , or to the declaring and approouing of vs iufl before God , whereby wee obtaine euerla- fling life. This fonoble a benefit commeth to bee wrought by the RefurreEtion of ,Chriíl, as the Remiflïon of our flaws came by his death and íúfferiugs. So writeth the a Apof}le to the kondanes, Ile dyedforourfinnes, and rofe for our 1tiflification. Not that his death had no hand in iutlifying, but becaufe our Tuflification begunne inhis death, was perfeálymade an end of, when he rofefrom thedead. From Iuflification two things doe follow : Sanaifi- cation, and Redemption,or Holincffe, and Bleffednefre. HolinctÇc as the fruit; Bleffedneffc the reward,Rora.6.22. Being freed from frnne , and made feruanu yute GQd, ( which hee Paid before , Verf. 8. to bee fernauta two Righteoufoeffe) Ton haue your fruit woo Santis fieation, and the end euerlafling life. And as death before comprehended our finfull and curfcd eílate whereunto thefe are contrarie : fo the Scripture is wont to note them,both in onewordofLife euerlafling,begunne on Earth,andperfeaed in Heauen: for that the Righteoufnell'e of Chrill, made ours by Faith, is cffeEìuall in vs unto eternal' Life , by the Spirit of CHRIST ,who fanáifieth and quickencth vs. By San&ification, I meane, the renewing of vs to Holinell'e, and Rightroufneífe, by his Spirit dwelling in vs, when e being freedfion, finite , weearemade feruant: unto Righteotufnt g , and not onely ''f C'eafe to doe end, but Learne todoe good; nor bee oncly, g Deadvnto"ione, but Liuiag v'utoGod,tbrough lefist Cbriß,which theApo- flle Peter calleth,Te hforegoeflow,. that wee may line vain Aighteoufneffe and againe, To be i condemned as touching men in the f efh,and to hue at touching God in the Spirit. The