CHAP.51. of VYifedome, &c. 453 The' former of thefe two is commonly called Morti- flaying finne, fication,or the flaying and beating downeof the twits of finne ; when through the power of the Spirit of Chrif}, they are not rcprcired onely , and kept from breaking out, but fubdued and conquered within vs,as the Apo- file teacheth,R,om.6.6,7,1 2, I 3, i4.Therefore it is called, eft crucifying ofthe fefh, e4 doing away of the bodie of (inns. And to the end wee may know it mull bee thorowly done , the Scripture not onely fpeaketh of our dying unto finae, but that the oldman muff bee buried alfo, om.6.4.. This abolifhingof ourfinfulneffe, or mortification of finne within vs, doth Paul'afcribe to the power of the deathof Chrif},whenhee faith,That k weare baptizedin. h Rem.F.324, to the death ofChrift,buried together with him, & iagraf ed 56,7. into the likenefr of his death,that our oldmanmight be cru- cified together with him , and the bodie offinne done away, that we might no moreferuefinite : forhe that is dead, idfree fromfinne. And to the Hebrews! , 1 That it is the blood of 1 Heb.9.r4; Chilli, flied and powred forth for vs, whichpurgeth our confcience from dead workes to ferne the tieing God. To the m Cgalatians, hee faith, That by the Crops of Cbriff the m Gal4i . World tr crucifiedvnto them, and bee Tinto the World. And Color. 3. 3, 5. Becaufe wee are dead with Chriil, bee ga- thereth that we are tomortifie our member!, that arevpon the earth. The latter is called Viuificationor uickening. And here are twomot}precious linkes of the Golden Chaise ofour Saluation : the imputed Righteoufïheffe wee haue in Chrif},and(as in force fort it may becalled) u renewed Righteoufneffe in our felues, n Y.Iohn3.7. But when two are dif}inguifhed, the o one is wont o r.cor.6.rr, to bee called Righteoufneffe, or in refpea of the worke r.Cor.1.30.. ofChrit }s Spirit, Iuftification : the other, Holineffe or SanLuification : which noble complement holds vp the 'whole