454 ThePondBooke ofDiuinitie, CHAP .9, p HQf1.I2.14. he putted,' a new life of Holineffe in- to vs. q Rodi.I s,z. Ephrf,+.z;. ?Titus 3.5. whole frame of Chriflianbuilding, and are as it were the twopolls of thehoufe that Samfan fhooke , where.. upon all the building flood. And as the Elate and Vine flourifh and fall together: fo fareth it with thefe tvvaine; that where the one is,the other mull needes be: for this is one part of the Couenant which God hath made with vs, not onely to be our God, but that wee fhould be his people ; and not alone to be merciful! to our fumes, and to remember our iniquities no more ; but withal! to writehis Lawes inour hearts, to doe them : whereupon it is,that the Apofllefaith, Follow P after 1 olinefe, (or Sa,Usfcation) withont the which noman /hallfee God. In the Do6trine ofSanc lification , thefe things I con- fider, Firfl,We haue here- by a new life of Holi- neffe put into vs. Ato- tall change from that which is naturals, to that which is not one- ly fupernaturall , but cues oppoíite & con- trarie to our corrupt nature, q renewing vs vnto the Hate of our firll Creation, or unto that former integritie which wee loll in A- dam. Whereupon wee are laid to beer Crea- ted againe according to gcd. vnto true Ieflice and Holineffs: and tobe f renewed unto knowledge, according to the Image of him that crea- ted him. Hence it is,that the worke ofSan6ification is termed, rcharp; erinafter-mind , or a change of the mind, and Pelagians that make gracenatu- ral]. Se>nipelagians, that make the firf} grace to concurre with nature, and onely to be a hclpe toweake and in- firme nature. The Papifls in lice- fort call this worke of the Holy Ghot , not the Creation of any new Creature which was not before, rut the {Er- ring vpof fume goodnefle and áneti- tte loft in nature (as they dreame) after the Fall , whi h they call alCo Free-will , and fay it was not loft in the Fall, but weakened. And there. fore define fanetification tobe Gods preuenting grace quickening the Free-will : or an cxternall motion, Banding as it were without, and beating atthe doore of the heart.