Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAr.S1. of Wifdome,d-c. and that to the beft,which wee commonly tranflatcRe- pentance : u eAturning, .c. And in this refpea alto, conldering afwell the qualities whereunto wee arc re- newed, as the worke it Idleof our renewing , wee are faid to be new creatures , 2.Cor. 5.17. and Ga1.6. z s. Secondly, From hence proceed the fruits of Righte- oufi cfl'e, that very Righteoufnef%, prefcribed in the Law. Therefore x fermis calleth it The putting ofhit Law in the middeflof vs. And Paul exhorting hereunto, layeth downe both theparts ofthis Righteoufneffe, Ho.. linefe and truelarflice, Ephef.4.24. fo that whatfoeuer was faid before of Righteoufnes% in generall,and all the notes and qualities thereof,are to be referred hither,bc- ing all of them fuch as ought to be in eucry man that is fan&iced. Thirdly , This Righteoufneffe is inherent, and in our felues , wrought within vs by the Spirit of Chrift : for this Y leremie rccitcth to bee one part of Gods Coue- nant withhis people : I will pant myLaw in themiddefl of them, and in their heart will 1 write it. Anfwerable here. unto is that of EZECHIEL, 1 will gins you a new heart : and anewSpirit I will fit in the middeftt ofyeti , and 1 will take away the heart offlans out ofyourflefh, and ! will giere vntoyau a heart offlefh, andmy Spirit will I put in themiddeft ofyou , and make thatyes (hallwalke in mine Ordinances, anddiem,and doe my irsdgementt; whereby thisHolineffe is diflinguifhed from imputed R,ighteouf- ncffe,which is without vs,and in another (that is to fay) in Chrif}. And fromboth thefe arifeth the third and laff confi. aeration of the LawofGod, as it is qualified and corre- ¿lcd , and bath another nature let upon it byChrifi our Sauiour, turned now into a a newCommandement, as the Apofile fpeaketh, or a LawEuangelized, and ofan- other temper, fcruingno more for death andcondetnna. Lion to thofe that are his , but for heipe and direc`ìion, for 455 u Irr, 4. r. and in drkersother places. to bring forth fruits of Righteoufnes. x 1cr.3I.33, y ler.3 r.33. 2 ETecb.36à 26, 27. 1,101271 z. aq a z.icbn a.8,:.