Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

456 The fecondBooke of Diuinitie, CHAP .9. b Pfrl.tt9.to6 for b a Lanterns vntoow feet , and a light vnto ourfleps, to teach vs how to walke when we are in Chri(I. There- c Luke t.c fore, a Zacharie and elizabeth are both commended as righteous beforeGod , becalefe they went in all the Com. d ion.r.2.54 rnandementsoftheLord. d I A IA E s allo calleth vs hither: ¡fe thou./looped) dowse into the perfelf LawofLibertie, and abideth in that, bee not being forgetful! Hearer, bid a deer of work,! ,/null bee Miffed by hid doing. Andour Sauiour, Math. 5. r7. biddeth vs not to think! that bee came to di f force the Law , and the Prophets : I camenot to difoltae them, but to fulfill them.: for whichcaufe alto the right vnderflanding of the Law is needful! ; for vnlef(e wee know our Mailers will, how (hall wee frame our felues to doe it ? Fourthly, The new life put into vs, which wee call Viuification, or Qitickning , ,commeth from the power ofChti(is Spirit,which raifcth v vp from the fleepe and c sarr.4.Ç. deathof finne , to awake to hue righteoufly , that e as Chrifi was raifcd from the dead, by theglorieof his Father : fowemight wake in newne f fe oflife : for ifwee bee ingrafted into the likeneffeofhis death, verily fo /hall we alfo be Into coiog:3r,a. the likenefeof hie Refurreílion. Wherefore the f Apoille faith, Ifyet bee rifen together with Cbrifí feeke the things whichare aboke, not the things which are upon the earth. Teaching, that it is by the power of his elfin, that wee are renewed vnto righteoufnelfe, as by his deathwe ob- tayne power tomortifie fnne. Fiftly , Touching the manner of the ThePapiits fay, that in Free-will re- working there is a there is a libertic or ftrength to ceiuc or reie& the grace that fhould difference betweene quicken it which theycall, Preuen- the grace it (elfe of tia g Grace : and fo part the Rakes San6ification and betwecneGraceand mans Free-will, the fruits that come from it. In the grace it felfe, as in the worke of our new birth, man ilandeth =ere paffine before God, ha- uing