Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP. 9. ofGYrfedonze,6-c. -} 5I uiug no power or vertue in him to worke with Gods Spirit, or to hclpe the worke of Grace, yet hee is not in this firíl renewing of his foule , as a trunke or a dead tlock,for that he bathboth reafoti and faculties,or pow- ers fit to receiuc the Grace of God, when hisSpirit doth workevpon them, Bu: The Pipif13 make not the Holy in the fruits ofanc`1ifi- Ghofl,but their owne Free-will, the prIncipalat;ent in this fecond grace; cation, the principal) 1- which Free-w ll,thcy fay, goeth be- gent is indeed the venie fore, and difpoeth and prepareth Spirit of Chrifl , who vs to a luftifying Graze, in belee- after the firí}grace and wing, in hoping,in repenting,&c. ' new Creation, abideth and dwelleth invs; not idlely , but euer working fome wood in vs, and by vs, as it is laid, Rom. 8. a6. The holy ghot rnak.ethintercBfonfor vs, withfghs which cannot bee exprefed: But afec9nd Agenr,working with Gods hcly Spirit, is the venie foule orman, or rather, the newman, or new creature in the foule,and al the faculties thereof: So that in this fecond Grace , which is the a6i:ion , or worke offaith, we fland not as mcerepaffiue,but being moued by the HolyGhof},wee worke our felues, by his Spirit working in vs. Whereupon we are called , g The g r.Cor.3.9. fellow. workers with God, r . Cor.3 . Touching the diflin& degrees of Sané ifcation': ?n wherein there is no ore the eflate we now are in; there is a difference betweene now remc uired,. it and IegallRighteoufheffe, in that perfe'tion is there but thatfinne required, without fayling in any lote, eyther in matter beare not the or manner. Whereas our San&&fication in this life is rule invs:and euermore imperfe6t, fayling much, and bath alwaies fin ourworkesof lügh mixed with it , not as Chafe or Darnell is mixed with neife,tthoueouf-gh. Wheat,bur as water is mingled with wine, that there is all mingled . no drop ofvine, but it is water alto : and that is by rea- withfnne, fon our new birth Donatifts,,and Nouatians, and thole is im erfc&.. So that Heretikes that were wont to bee called p Catharifes,orPuritanes,dreame ofpu- albeit by the grace ritie andperfethon in this life, ofRegeneration,wc dc£re: