rpne---_ 45$ The fecondBooke ofDiuinitie, Cx A P.9. h Gal$. 17. I Ito0.6.12.. k ñfatt.5.4g. I.ÿ'ror.a.6. m i.Cor.;4.20. n kphcf.413 o P0.3.12. 1.) I.Iobin 24 q 'Job/344.0 r r.iohn4.18. flaénes I.4. .ïheg.z° .° defirein all things to liue righteoufly and well yet fill we labour vndcr the infirmitieofthe fl efh,h that we can- not doe the things wee would. Whereof the Apofile Paul (one, more then after an ordinarie fort regenerate) gi_ ueth in his ovine perfon a noble example , Rem. 7.15 , &c.I ,opproouenot that I worke : for I doe not that I would, but what 1 hate , that doe I : for I am delighted with the Law ofGod,' as touching the inner man but I fee another Law in my members, &c. and in the end concludeth, ThereforeI my felfe in the Spirit indeedfcrue the Law of Gad, bnt in my flc(h the Law offlnne. Wherefore in this cítate it is cnough,if finne i raigne not in our mortall bo- dies : it is not required ( which is impofìïble) that it fhould not at all dwelll in vs. And where the Scripture inmany places doth call vs perfe6,as when it faith, k Tee /hall therefcrebeperfel1,as your Father which is in hearten isperfe£f. t Wee f jeakewife- dome among thofe that are?cried. m Invnderftanding bee yea perfell n tiff wee come to a perfeíl man, o c/a/9 many therefore as be perfect, let vs bee thus minded. t Whofoeuer keepeth bis Word, of a truth, in him the loneof God is per_ feCed. 9 Ifwe loue one another, godabideth in vs, andhis lone is perfected in vs.r Perfect loue calleth outfeare.f That yee may bee perfeC and wholyfotand,wanting in nothing. By perfe6,it meaneth not the exaa. performance of Legal! righteoufheffe but the whole and totali change of all the man, which yet in this life is evermore imperfeL. And fo cloth lames in that place laf} before mentioned, expound it.So that there is a Legal!, and anEuangelicall perfcc}ion, which rather and more properly is termed integritie. I call it totali : firs, in refpet that the whole man, and all our parts andpowers both ofthe fouleand bodie are renewed, as the Apofile to the tTheffal.nitns prayeth,That their Spirit,fossle andbodie may bee kept vu blameable in the comming of lefyss Chrilt. Firf}, our mind, and euen the Spirit of our mind, whereof