Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAá.9. offyäfedome,&c. 459 whereof it is faid , u Bee transformed in the renewing of your mind, it Be renewed in theSpirit ofyourmind. Y I will plat anew Spirit in themidi ofyou, Againe, both our knowledge and judgement are re- formed, that now z thefpirituall reran difcerreth all things. And our memorie and confciences purged : for the Me- morie that ferueth,where theApofile dothcommend the a Tbeffaloni4m, for hawing a good memorie ofhim alwayes; And to the Corinth;, b That they remembred all his mat- ters, or remembred him in all things. Ofthe Confcience it is faid, C That the blond of Chrifl purged; our confciences from dead worlu,toferre the liningGod. And Hebrewes the tenth , 4 Having your hearts, fprinkled from an exil! con- pence. This Renewing reacheth to the heart\alfo, that is, to the Soule,thc feate of the Defire,Wrll,Affeéions,whichr e ezechiel addeth to that oftheSpirit, ! will glue you new heart. And c51ofes faith, f Cireismcife thefore. ski,: ofyour heart. Of the Defire we reade, g?he Spirit , or part regene- rate, !aneth againfil the PA. Of the Will that h' God worked; this grace in vs, to will according tohis owne goodpleafure. Andof the Affe&&ions, i Theythat are Chrifls, haire crucified the flefh, with the of d ions and lofs ofit. Lafily, The Body it felfe, and all the members, are made anew, not in fhbiiance, but in qualitie , by putting of the fnfull body of the flefh, as the Apofile fpeaketh, k Colafant the fecond. Whereupon he doth exhort vs, I Let not finne raigne inyour mortal! bodies. m Mortifie your earthly members, fornication and vncleanneffe , &c. For as there is a n Law of the members that rebelleth againf} the Law of the nñnde : fo there are mem- bers , that ate by Regeneration the members of Chrit} vvhich fight again& that Law of the old` man. Se- 1.1 x Rphef.q.a;. y i+Kech,36.26. Z r.Car.zr 5. a I.The11;3.6. b IcOrII.z. c Heb.944.. d Heb.i®,xz, e kech.36.. z6.. f g Gel.1.17. h PhiL2.3.. i Gal.s,34 k col,z.Ir; 1 Rorn.6.r2.. m Co1.3.5. n Rom.7.z5. o I.COr, I ?,.17