Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

460 p 7er.7; fay 1.16,t7. q Rom.8.z. The fecond Booke ofDiuinitie, CH A P. 9. Secondly , It is totall , in refpe& that it maketh a change, not in our P wayes and a&ions oncly, but inour very nature , the perfet and all-ft;fficient SanUification of our nature, in thePerlon of Chrit} himfelfe , freeing vs from that naturall corruption , which, as the Law of the members, is inherent in vs. This the Apo:}le fpeak- eth, Romanes q the eighth , The Lawof the Spirit of life, which is in Cbrill lefu , bath freed mee from the Lawof pineand ofdeath: that is,from that inherent corruption, which , as the Law of the members flicketh toour na- ture, theperfè&San&ificationof his humane nature be- ginning a San&ification here in vs , cuen in our very nature , over and befides the Righteoufnetle of our wayes. Thirdly , It is totali in regard of both the parts of Righteoufneffe which wee are renewed into , Holinefe and true [office : for both thefe the Scripture noteth, ephe f4, 24. Poton the newman, which according to God it created inHolinefe and true [office. Marke 6.2o. Herod reuerenced Io H N BAP T 1ST) knowing bewara issft and a holy man. Luke 1.74. That wee beingdeliaered frets the hands ofour enemies, may ferne him in true 1uJJhce and fie- linere Tit.2.t r,I 2. The grace ofGod bathappeared, crc. inf!rsahingvs to line wifel,and issily,andgodly in thispre- rent world. Yet we muff obferue that there are degrees in the im- perfeh}ion which we fpeakeof : for, Firf}, Some are weake ones,and euen Babes in ChriP, wcake in Faith, wcake inKnowledge,weake in all kind of praéice of fpirituall Graces, whom the Apot}le cal- leth carnall,that is to fay, rude. Of the wcake in Faith, the Apof }le fpeaketh , Roman. 14. I. And our Sauiour many times vpbraideth his Difciples, O yce of little faith! Of weake in knowledge, and capacitie of hea- uenly things , it is Paid, Rom.6.i9. 1 _take vntoyou after the mannerofmew, that is, by fimilitudes taken from the com-