Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P. j. ofWifeclome, &C. 46r common courfe of mans Lfe, For the infirasitie ofyour f e, . And, Heb.5.I-z. For when through the time,yee ought to have beetle Teachers , yee haue need to bee taught anew what are theelements ofthe beginningofthewordsof Chrift, andare become theft that haue need of Milks,' , and not of firong mate. So our Saviour Chrili tellethhis Difciples, r 1 haste may things tofay vntoyou, but you arenot able to beare them now. Ofvveake inpradiice we reade, r.Cor. 3.r. 1, Brethren , could not f fieakc veto you`as 1pirittsall, but ac cattail, at infants in Chriff ; 1 gameyou Milke to drinkZe , and not firongMeate : for you were not able to Beare it. Secondly, There is a further flep,which Chrihians of the better fort commonly attayne vnto, handing in a fufficient furniture ofall graces needful! for the perfor- manceofeuery good dutie, and a blameleffe and vnole4 filed life, whereofthe Scripture giueth teflimonic to ma- ny particular Chriflians : And the Apoflles in their E- pihlcs, partly f witneffe of diuers Churches, andpartly pray for them to be fuch. Thirdly, 4rpon fome few, in refpeá of his ordinarie dealing , it pleafeth God to powre a more abundant meafureof grace, awd higher degree of perfediion , fil- ling and inriching their hearts with an exceeding in- creafe ofFaith, of Knowledge of Loue of Hope, of Patience, and of the gifts of the holyGhof}. Thefe the Apofile calleth u perfeil men, who througha habits haue their fences exercrfèd to the difcerning of good and et:ilá. Phil.3.i 5. As many of vs as are perfect , let vs bee thus minded, and ifyea thinks: any tilingotherwife that alto will God remeale. Thus % it is faidofAbraham, that hee was firong inFaith, andbad full ajfuranceofthe pronefeofGod . And of the y The ffalonians, that their Faithdid increafe exceedingly , or aboue the common or ordinarie urea_ fuie , and their lone did abound. In another '% place hee commendethnot onely theverrues themfelues but the G g fruir r Iohn au, f r.Cor.r.r. r.Thef.s.ére. t .a.z f. .PetPhil.3. t4.erc. u Heb.s.x'. x,zr, y r.Thef.r.3, z t.Thefr.3.