462 The fecundBoeke ofDiuisritie, CH A P.9. fruit which they f1 ewedofthem, Benearbring the rearke, ofIvor faith, yap. laborious lone , and patient hope , (tr. Iames 5.1 I. And the ' Scripture fetteth beforevs the Patience of1e6, and thevenues andperfcaions of other men of Cod , as Mirrours and Glaties for vs to looke into, for the reforming of our waycs, and that wee might become like vnto them. Not that fuch a one bath attayned toperfeetion, or may now fit downe and let}, as beingcome to his four- nies end,but the moregraces he hath,the more fruitful- ly bec ought to labour for an increafe ofthem , and not fomuch to thinke what hee bath ; as what hee doth yet a Phil:. T3, want, following the example of the s Apofile Paul, 14, 15, Brethren, l count not that 1 hamsattay edunto the martre, that is to fay, perfe6kion. But one thing Idoe,lforget that which is behind, and endeuomr myfslfe to that which it h.. fore. Ar manyofVs therefore al areperfei , ,let vs bee thus b ,Natt.11.29. minded. Wherein wee haue the b promise of our Saul- our Chris} to giuc vs comfort, that to him that hub (that is , carefully imployeth and vfeth to Gods glorie, the good things hee hath recciued) more fhaß bee linen, and hee 16a11 base a6mndance.Our Santiification beingfo im- perfe6},as we hauefaid,it is a noble and neceffarie piece of feruice to informe our felues, how vice may bec able to difcerne it. I will point out fachnotes and marks as I hold to be the principali. Firs} is,by thofecommon affe- &ions noted before, whichgenerally belong to all holy Duties, and are here certayne marks of renewed Holi- nelle : c Iobn'7.17 As firs'} , A loue of theTruth , and of theWord s for 7:FryWo;dis the Truths fake : for to 6eoftheTruth,that is,a louer and 7" nab. imbracerof theTruth , is all one as to bee ofGod. And fo d IokmiL 37. our S-auiour Chrit}expoundeth it , when fayingin a one place, emery ont that isoftherruth,laearethtry-voice, bee e doh)4 .47 rendreth it in e another place by this , as all one in waight and fubflance : Irae that le of Clod, heard]; the Word,