Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C t A P. g. Of Wipdome, &c. 463 Words,of Gad. O how I loge thyLear, (faith f DAw i .n !) f pfa!t r,.9r. AI the day long it ie myMeditation. The contrarie whereof, is an cuident tigne of anmill and wicked heart , and draweth after it many heauie Iudgetnents, fore-runners ,of 3eftruetion : for g Becatife g, (faith the Apotile) they reeeiae not the loge of the Truth, Is- that they wüght beefaxed: therefore gO D willfend veto them of c564 'errors to belting l4es, that all may bee con.. dcmnc4 that bcieeue not the Troth , but take pleafiere !x iniguitíe. Secondly,Cheercfulneffe in well -doing. Whereupon the childrenofGod are euerie where called, h sí4 free. h Pjal.r heartedpeople. cant.6.9.&r. Thirdly, A feare ofoffending in any thing, whichSa- lomonmaketh the Badge ofGods children : Blefed is the man thatfeareth 'brayer. Fourthly, Sinceritie and finletreffe of heart , which one thing, in the middeft of many difficulties, heldvp theApoitic Paul, infomuch as he profcffcthof himfelfe, This 1.i, our reioycing , the teffinsonie ofour confcieuce, that i ¡oiling/end; andfinceritie of Gad, we hateBeene conuerfant in the World. Fifthly,Zeale :: whennot onely wee loue God,and his Truth,but our loue is hot,vehement,feruent, that kmuch k caxt.7.11. matercannot quench it, no, nor the floods drawn, it. Andif a man Pohl glue all the fubffance ofbid hoofs for this loge, it /hogld utterly becontemned. PH z N E A s for this grace obtained a great rnercie,Numtb 2. I a,t 3. There- forebehold, I pineveto himmy Couenant of `Peace :for hee andhisfeed after him fhall hateanenerlsfli4a Pr:efhoodby cosenant, becaufe he mu zealot, for his God. Sixthly,Watchfulneffe ouer our waies,whichour Sa- uiour fooften cloth beate vpon.:1Watchandpray, that ye 1 Matt. 26.14. enter not into temptation. Seuenthly, A confiant refolution to cleaue vnfepara- blyyntoChzit. So Alb it.a3,24. BARNABASex- G g 2 her.