Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

464 ThefecondBooke ofDiuinitie, CHAP 9 tI EVAI$,18, 1b,Q'?c. o.4k's13.12, p 7rávau eEñi9E,ta7C11.4e. q S.Saifä.I, 15, ,Marke 6,2,o. battedallwitb psrpofe of heart, to cleasteunto theLord :for hee wu ( faith the Text ) agood man, andfull of the Holy Ghof andFaith. Eightly To performe whatfocuer wee doeof con- fcience to God , Working it from theheart aQ to the Lords andnot to man,Col.3z 3. Ninthly, To feeke his glorie in all things : which generallrule the Apoflle fetteth downe, a. whether ye eate or drinke,or whatfoenerye doe, doe all to the gloryof God. Tenthly , That the greater and more holy the duties are, and the more they doe excel!, the more excellent our loue zeale, cheerfulneffe and finceritie bee in the performanceof them : This Commandement wee haue, (.Matthew 22. 37. Thorn ,,Malt lose the Lord withall tby heart. The eleuenth and laf(which yet is fo farre from be- ing leaf+ , that in a manner it carryeth the pralle from all the ref}) is an entire obedience, whenwee labour to keepe whatfoeuer Godhath commanded, and to pleafé him in all things, beingholy , as hee is holy, Ezechiel in his eighteenth Chapter in oneword expreffeth it 1f bee keepe ad mine Ordinances: and then n amplifying it by the contrarie,beateth vpon it (as his manner i0 ich a heape and multitude of inforcirg fpceches, If he doeto his brother, other thenany one of thofe things, andhe doe not alltbefe things,&c. For the practice of this Lefl:on , good Cornelius and the tea with him affembled, are highly commended, ..Qfs io. 3 3. we allare hereprefent before God, to beare all thmgsthat are commanded theeofgod. And of Dacid the Holy Ghoft beareth 0 wirneffe,l banefoundottt DAVID the forme of I E S S E, according to my heart , that will P doe all my will in all things. Not like to Sand, q who ferued G oD but by haloes : for the which r Herod is alfobran de& that he didmany things, but not all that hee heard.