CHAP. 9. of Wifedonae6c. 465 heard of lohnBaptifí. And f the more to incourage vs f games 3:. to this dutie, the Scripturc teacheth, that though inma- ny things wee fade all , God accepteth the defire for the thing it felfe, that ifour heart and purpofe bee to forfake euery euill path, and to cleaue vnto God, without being drawne away, it is in his fight all one, as if we had done it : fo t lames faith , that ABR A H A na offered his Some t lames z.2t. I s A C x, where indeedhee did but Phew himfelfe wil- ling and roadie to offer him; and tt Ghrifl protnifeth,that they that hunger and thiril after Righteoufneffe, falll be ft- &isfled. Tocome toTome other notes of San&ification, in the fecond place many parts of Holineffe are vndoubted fives of it. Firff Our intercourfewith God byprivate and fern uent prayer of Faith,is the mot{ infallible fgneof all the reil. A fingular fruit and tcflimonie to a mans confci- ence that hee is regenerate : for this is thevery marke which the holy Ghcf+ fetteth vponprophane men, They x call net vpon God: and the reafon is plaine and euident: for either Prayer will makemen to leaue finne , or finne will make men to leaue topray. The wicked, though they feeme to pray in fecret, doe it feldome, or neuer, with companie to fill vp the num- ber, and for their credit fake; or for fome worldly re- fpea, they can be content tomake one. But howfoeuer it bec, their Prayers differ farre from the properties of true Prayer, that arc oncly to bee found in Gods chil- dren. Which properties , and wherein the wickeddiffer from them, may all bee gathered out of that wnoff ab fo- lute Prayer, both formatter and forme, which our Savi- ourhimfelfe bath taught vs, and are thefe that follow, Firti , The faithfull man is furnifhed with v the Spirit y Zacb rz.t19. of Prayer, or Supplication, that is, an excellent grace, fa- cultic , or abilitie wrought in a man by theholy Spirit, whereby he is made able,willing,and rcadie to pray vn- G g 3 to u Matth.s.°. x Pfal.f; .t.