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466 7'he fecond Booke ofDiuinitie, CH A P.9. to God foreuery want , as theprefent occafron doth re z Rom.8.z6. quire : for as the Apofe faith , Ofour felues wee knotty not what to pray. Therefore our Sauiour deliuers vnto vs in fewwords, all the mayne Graces wee can delire, and maynewants we any way can {land inneed of, toaske at thehandy of God , 'which may ferue for a f{ ore- houfe, continually to put words in our mouth. But the carnali man, though he can fpeake and tell a perfwafiue tale for worldly things, he is vtterly ignorant how to aske hear uerrly. a Rotn.836,27 Secondly, That we traypray as we ought,the a Spirit helpeth our infirrnitie,and teacheth vs topray according vntoGod , with groves and fights that cannot bee ex. preffed. But this the worldling is farre from, to whom fuch fights and gronings of the Spirit are as firange b Tohn x4.17. and vnheard of, as is the b Spirit it felfe the Authour of it. Thirdly,Gods children in all their neceties addreffe themfelues to him, and leeke for good things at the hands of their hMuenlyFather through Chrif}; the vic- e Nionb.23.x4; ked,howfoeuer with C Balaasn_ they may breake forth into Wifhes and Woulds,Let my foule die the deathof the Righteous, andmy latter end he like to I im; haue Neither the face nor the heart togoe toGod by humbleprayer, ms Dattid in the like cafe did, `Pfal.26, 9. Take not away my [vole with lsnners, nor my lifewith 61.rsdie men. This di uerfitie you may find, Pfal.4.7. Manyfay, Who will Jam vs good ? I E H o V AH,Itfì vpvpon vs the light ofshy cosen- venance. Fourthly, The godlyprepare thernfelues to prayer, by d Scclef.4.13. d meditating before-hand of the dutie they are toper- forme, andof the arguments and reafons that may flirre them vp vnto it. And fo ourSauiourin that Prayer teach- eth vs to doe, by the vfingofa Preface. The wicked ne- ster make con fcience of their prayers. Fiftly, True Prayer cannot bewithout Faitlr,whereby wee.