CRAP. 9. of Wäfcdome,eyc. wee apply particularly to our felues , the loueof Go m in Chrifl, to call himOur Father : for how !hallthey cold on hies, su whom theydoe not ',cleat'? Rom. t o.t4. but this the carnal' man bath not. Sixthly, Godschildrencome with boldueffe and con- fidence vnto him,as a childveto his father ; whereas the carnali coati flyeth fromhim, and is afraid of him, as of a Iuft andRighteous Iudge. This difference in thepoint of Prayer the Apof+le tcacheth, Rom.B.t 5. wee hangNot receiteed the Mirit ofbondage to feare any more :beet the #iritof Adoption, wherebywe crie, Abba Father. Seuenthly,Reuerence is in the true and faithful! Cal- ler vponofGods Name , e knowing that God is in hea- tien, andhimfelfe vpon earth ; the carnali man rufheth without all reuerence intohis prefence. Eightly,OurSauiour requirethofhis, Zeale and ear- ne1 neffe in Prayer, that all our affe&iions bee taken vp, and wholly bent vpon it, which the fhortneffe of the Prayer teacheth , and the concluding of it with this word, Amen : and the rather to kindle in vs a feruencie in Prayer,he beatethvpon it with many words: f Aske, Seeke, Knock!, &c. For cold fuiters prooue cold Spee- ders : But fuch as euen rent the Heauens with their Prayers, andpull, as it were by violence, Gods graces from him, are thofe that bee delighteth in :but this the carnal! man is farre from, whofe minde is alwayes drag .ling and thinketh vpon his pennie, his bufineffe and worldly delights. Ninthly , In Gods children there is a greater feruen.. cie of Spirit, in praying for the things that concerne Gods glorie, then for thofe that concerne our ®wne good, yea though it be the faluationof our foules ; and in thofe that concerne our ovvne good,greater zeale,and feruencie for heaucnly things, then for earthly, that are fought but as additaments , and appendan ces to the o- ther; all which, the venie order of petitioning in the G g 4 Lords 467 e Ecclef. s.r. f Matt.7.7.