4d8 The ficondBooke ofDiuinitie, CH A P. 9, LordsPrayer fheweth, Contrariwise, of these, world- ly things arc altogether, or ( at the leaf} ) most fought after. Tenthly,Thc godly pray, to fet forth Gods glorie, as 3: xa;3rc 4.3. may bee feencthere :The g wicked aske , to imploy it vpon their lufis. Eleuenthly , Gods children in their prayersremem- bernot themfelues onely, but the Church, their bre- thren andfellow- members, in a fellow feeling and loue one ofanother : OsrFather , Our bread, Onr trefasses, Leadvs not,Dchaffvs, &c. The wicked arc eucrie one for himfelfe. Twelfthly, The Elea pray with affurance of obtai- ning the things ; wee pray for earthly things, with con- dition , fo farre as God bath appointed them for our good : All other abfolutely without condition: which alfurance is noted in the word ei?at en 1 gniffy ing , that not only fo we &fire it may be,but that fovndoubtedly it is,and fhall Bee : whereunto weearc induced, both by the confiderationofthe loue ofGod, who is envFather, and therefore willing ; and ofhis power, which it in heauest,and therefore able to doe vs good, Which two, ( hisGoodneffc, andhis Greatneffe) are the two maine pillars and props of our Faith. And to this vertue in prayer, our Sauiour doth exhort vs, Mark! t t. 24. ei111 9bingt, whatfoeuer lee aak,e wleenyee pray beleeueyeeshall receíuethem, and they (hall beyours. The wicked areas l .lanq 1.6. bwaucs of the Sca,tof ed about witheucry wind,doubt.. ing and difirufiingofGods goodne(fe in the things they pray for. Thirteenth , Gods children are con(i2nt in their prayers, and continue in them, Gisre vs this day,.&c. cue- rie day renew ing ?heir fupplcations. The wicked faint and quickly glueouer, or pray but byharts. Thefe circumt}ances to bee obferued out of the man alcr of the LordsPrayer,_ leadnee by the hand to forne confide- Y