CxnP.y. of Wifedome,&c. 469' confederation of the matter it felfe , and parts of that Prayer; wherein alfo,vnleffe I deceiue my felfe, we ¡hall nothing digreffe from ou.rpurpofe. There be two parts of that , as of all other Prayers : foritflandeth partly in petition, partly, inthankef_gi. uinb :The Petitions are fixe innumber,all in that courfe and order,as the Doìrine before was handled, whereof the fir(} three (comprehended in the firR part of Diuini- tie) arc ofthole things that belong veto Gods glorie, without anyrefpc&of our o'wne good : as the particle Thy in euery one doth fhcw.And this one thing,wherein the founded Diuines agree, beingwell obferued, bring- eth a great light for the diflinguifhingof all the fixe Pe- titions, according to their proper bounds and limits, in fuck fort as hereafterfolioweth. The firfl petition , Flallowed bee thy name :0 thou the blefíed and greet IE x o v n x , Father, Sonne, and holy Spirit, three perlons, and one onely true and euer-lining God, whole i name is wonderfull, and who alone art i efay,...30 glorious andexcellent: thy Mercie great veto the Hea- uens, thy Truth vnto the Cloudes : thy Righteoufneffe as themightic Hills ; thy ludgements like the bottom- Ieffe Deepe : exaltthy felfe,OGod, abone the heauens, thy Glorie ouer all the earth. Andmake it knowne unto thy creatures, that thou the Creator(bleffed°for euer, Amen) art a Nature Spiri- tuali andDiuine , of thy felfe, and in thv felfe , and by thy felfe fitbfifting,Eternall, Immeafurable, Incompre- henfible,Inñnite in Power,Wifedome,Holineffe,Truth, Mercie,Tuflice, and whatfoeuer good is, yea, Goodneffe and Perfe&ion it felfe : So that both whatfoeuer thou doeft , is abfolutely good and holy , and all good and perfe& gifts are thine , there being no iot of good in any creature, but that onely which they haue from thee whoart theFather of Lights. And this}eth the firft branch of that part ofDi- Uinitie,