Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

470 Zayh, ß.8: The f condBooke ofDiuinitie, C xAp.9 uinitie, concerning the Nature, Perlons, and Propreties of the Godhead. The fecond Petition , Thy Kildome come. Aduance theThrone and Scepter ofthy Kingdome in the geuern- nnent of the World , according to all thy counfels and purpofes decreed from Eternitie. Whether of fauing the Elea , or deflroyingof the Reprobate, or of the bufineffes and affaires pertaining to this life, and the generali Prouidenceouer all things that thy hands haue fafhioned and made, together with the 'manes which thou haft fan6tified thereunto ; That thy Gofpel, with the Minif}erie andpreaching thereof, the Sacraments,Ceufùres,and Difciplineof the Church, and all other good things thou haft ordained,may proue to thy children a fauour of life vnto life, and tonone of thema fauour of death vnto death. And that thou wouldeft fo difpofe of things by thy hidden and fecret prouidence, that all perforas and crea- tures (although they, many of them finfully and wret- chedly tnooued with other caufes and ends then in obedience vnto thee , yet in regardof thy worke molt holily and iuffly ) may concurre to doe whatfoeuer thy hand and thy counfell hath fore-determined to be done. Neither let any power or policie ofSatan or man, or a- ny other creature hinder the execution ofthy molt glo- rious and magnificent, molt wife and lull Decrees : But let them all bee as the Mountaines ofBraffe that cannot be remooued, but hand fail for euer. And this refpc&}eth the fecund branch, touching the Kingdome of God, and the difpenfation of his Coun- fels. The third Petition : Thy will be done in earth, ai it u in beatien. Haue thou alvvayes in the World, euen here a- mongrnen,as thou haft arii'ong thyholy Angels andSpi- rits of the Righteous that are deccafed, a Church and chofeh Companie, which may k refrefh and delight thy