Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP . 9. of Wifedome, &c. thy Spirit , by yeelding with free and readie hearts, all cheerful! obedience to thy knowne and reuealed will, whileft they bee feene to preferre the loue they beare to thee, before the loueof thernfelues,their owne pleafure, profit, or liues, or whatfoeuer elfe that is moll deare vn. to them. And this which is the third branch (thehonour due to God) rifeth by a neceffarie confequence from the former two : for, he that is in himfelfe and inhis works fo glo. rious, is worthy, and alone worthy to be honoured and ferued of vs. The three latter Petitions comprehended in the fecoud part ofDiuinitie , arc of thofe thingr that concerne our oArne and our Neighbours good,whereof the firf} (being the fourthPetition innumber) is for the Fountayne of all good, that excellent 1 gift ofChrif! himfelfe , and all I ¡oh9I 40 4, the mcanes, andGraces, Faith efpecially , wherebyhec maybe ours, and we come to be his. The fift and fixt, are for the ireames of Righteouf. neffe that flow from ir, and fpring veto euerlal ing life So that in thefeTaft Petitions the whole fubfianceofthe Gorpell is contayned : for touching the other Righteouf_ neffe which is our owne, or by the Law , the fame being impo{Eble through our owue corruption to be had, our Sauiour tcachcth vs not topray for ir. But contrariwife, in teaching Regeneration and Righteoufneffe through him,he doth vtterlyexclude all Righ teoufneffe from our felues, or by our owne Creation. And in willingvs to pray to bee delivered fromcull!, he fheweth the right vfe of the Law , whereby cuill is difcouered to be the rule ofour obedience. The fourthPetition : Guts vs this Day that Brs4d of mars, that (bread) abatis fxbibuite, or better then all wealth and riches which confitme and perifh , whereas this iadureth to euerlaPdng Life , being the Bread of God that comrneth downs from Heauen, and giueth life vnso> 471